Chapter 10

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Rachel's P.O.V~

Fred was taken away in hand cuffs after some time and we were once again left alone. We watched the sirens blur into the distance as the night's music returned once more. I watched silently as Cory then walked over to his special spot. The sun was already far from gone and the stars filled the night sky. We hadn't spoken a word to eachother for the night.

He slowly sat down below the tree and leaned on it for support. I joined him after a while, taking a seat beside him.

"I'm sorry," both of us managed to say at the same time. I glanced at him for a second and then directed my gaze back at the ground.
He broke the silence, "I found out what happened from Vanessa. I heard her talking to you earlier today."
I didn't bother to respond. He continued, "I should've known that she was up to something," he paused, "You didn't deserve to go through that Rachel."

"I-" At that moment I felt an overwhelming surge of emotion, "I just couldn't bare to think of what you must've thought about me- after everything you've done for me- I just-" my tears couldn't help but fall.

"Oh Rachel.."he said as he pulled me into a hug. He continued, "You have such a big heart.." I could feel his hug tighten as I easily and comfortably sunk into his frame. A couple moments passed as we just sat with eachother. I could feel Cory's chest slowly rise and fall as I remained with my face pressed against it.
He continued, "...I guess it's one of the reasons I like you."
"What?" I asked as I rose out of his grasp.
I looked up at him as I brushed my hair away and dried my tears on my face. He replied, "I like you Rachel. I like how we laugh, how we talk, how we dance, how we play video games... but I think the thing I like most importantly about you, is how you make me feel Rachel."

Oh My Word.

Our eyes locked on eachother as I left Cory's words ringing in the air. The warmth I had so pushed away, I could feel re-entering my insides. We drew closer to each other as the distance between us slowly closed. It was as if we were two magnets, drawn closer by an invisible force.

I can't believe what he just said. It's unbelievable. I thougt I'd lost him forever, before I'd even really 'found him' in the first place.

The night's 'music', which consisted of the natural noises surrounding us, seemingly faded away into the background. The night's air felt crisp on my face as I could feel myself leaning closer. But that slight chilly feeling immediately melted away with Cory's lingering stare which seemed to dart from my eyes to my lips. My heart skipped once his eyes connected with mine once more.

Is this even real????

We were less than an inch away, even though the thought of this was unbelievable to me. Just like Cinderella at the ball I could practically hear the clock's toll, signalling that the moment was near. I felt a gust of air escape my lips, and it felt as if we were the only two people in the world.

Cory's soft lips finally crashed unto mine as my hand cradled one side of his face. I could feel my lips curling into a smile even as I felt Cory pulling me closer.
He's smiling too.

I felt my insides twist and turn in excitement as I felt unmistakably happy in Cory's arms. My heart thundered in my chest as I savored the sweet feeling of Cory's lips on mine.

When we finally pulled away it felt as if it wasn't nearly enough, but we both knew that it would be enough for now. I snuggled my self up next to Cory and smiled up at the stars.

"There's Orion," I smiled as I pointed my finger at the sky.

~~six months later~~

I rushed home that afternoon from work with five of my bags in hand. I quickly justled my chain of keys against the doorknob in frustration and then victoriously made it inside.

Where is he?

I dropped my bags on the nearest couch and started preparing dinner as my eyes continued to nervously glance at the clock on the wall. A good while later, I heard the sound of footsteps descending the staircase as I could feel myself smiling. I pushed a dish of macaroni pie into the oven as I felt a soft kiss quickly pressed onto my cheek.

"Good afternoon, my love" I responded as I pressed a kiss on Cory's lips. "Sorry, I didn't get here earlier I was just wrapping up the edits for a video," he replied. I continued, "Well, it's okay they won't be here for another half an hour."
Excitement tickled my insides as this would be the first time Cory would have ever met my mother.

~ about an hour later

After a long embrace at the door with my loving mother, followed by the start of our first ever dinner with our parents we all sat together surrounding the dining table.

I already met Cory's parents beforehand so the only new introduction needed was Cory's to my mom. After a giggly smile from Cory and my mom's soft, seemingly approving, smile in return, Cory wrapped her in a hug. About half an hour had passed, dinner was going well and conversating was much easier than I initially expected. Cory's mother continued, "And how is it, working at the clinic Rachel?"

I smiled as I started to recall my day to everyone. I continued, "And at the moment we have the Golden Retriever's other two puppies here in the garage since there wasnt enough space to hold all four and their mom at the clinic. You guys wanna see?"

Both of Cory's parents nodded in agreement as my mom politely refused the offer. "Alright, we'll be back in a bit then," I said to Cory and my mom who decided to stay. I pressed a kiss on Cory's cheek as I continued, "Right this way," I said as I made my way to the garage with Cory's parents.

Cory's P.O.V~

I looked across the table at Rachel's mom who wore Rachel's ever so recognisable smile. I walked over to the sofa and asked her to join me.

"Ms.Armstrong?" I asked timidly. She answered as she settled into the couch, "Yes dear?"
"I know we haven't known eachother for that long. But may I ask you a question?" I asked. She simply nodded as she looked on at me expectantly.

"Ms.Armstrong," I paused as I carefully thought about each word I'd use next, "I've known your daughter for about a little more than half a year now and we have this... connection that's just undeniable. I can't remember the last time I felt like this...Rachel, she makes me want to do better, be better..for her. I want her to always be I know that not every relationship is perfect but I'm sure that I can atleast help it be enjoyable. I just want to make her as happy as she makes me. I'd give her the world if I could."
I looked up at her, as she responded, "You still haven't asked me anything."
I laughed at myself as I responded, "Right-"

I continued, "Ms.Armstrong, I'd like to respectfully ask for your blessing, so that I can ask the woman I love, to make me the happiest man on Earth.. by marrying me." I felt my heart thundering in my chest as I resisted the urge to actually place my hand on my chest to feel it. Soon enough all I could've heard was my heartbeat as it seemed as if I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

"I've seen the way she looks at you," she replied. I looked up at her as I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants.
She continued, "Reminds me of the way Rupert used to look at me."


She explained, "That's Rachel's father. Rupert Armstrong, my first and last love." She paused in thought for a couple of moments, "If I've learnt anything about Rupert from our fifty years of marriage is that love truly can surprise you. It really does make you want to improve upon yourself. Sarcifice things for someone.." She continued once more, "Rupert would've liked you. The way you hugged me at the door without hesitation," she chuckled, "That's exactly what he would do back when we were your age. Even though my father's condescending stare would await him." I smiled as I enjoyed learning more about Rachel.

She continued, "Cory. You have my blessing. I know you'll take care of my little girl."

I practically jumped to my feet as I hurriedly threw my arms around her. "Thank You so much, Ms.Armstrong."

I'd like to say, thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that read this little story I made about my favorite youtuber. I hope u guys enjoyed reading it, as much as i enjoyed writing this thing. And once again, thank you, and goodbye.


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