Chapter 7

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Rachel's P.O.V~

I woke up earlier than usual that morning.

Must've been because I spent the entirety of yesterday in bed.

I made my way down the stairs after taking a bath and getting dressed, making my way to the kitchen, only to end up stopping at the bottom step. I looked up to see Vanessa fast asleep on the couch and covered in blankets.

She slept here.

I looked down at my phone as multiple messages from yesterday were left unread.
I have to go to the clinic today.

I made my way past her and prepared breakfast for myself as I thought it would be quite a while until Cory would be awake.

-about half an hour later-

Just as I was pouring myself a bowl of cereal I heard the person in the couch start to stir. I shook my head as I just faced down at my cereal bowl. "Look who's up," said Vanessa from afar.

Moments later Cory appeared at the top of the staircase wearing his fluffy dark blue robe. "Goodmorning guys," he said with his ever so constant smile.
I felt my inside flutter with butterflies as memories of yesterday replayed in my mind.
Cory was so considerate yesterday. Just the way he looked at me...

"Everything alright?" he questioned. I snapped out of my gaze. "Of course they are," Vanessa replied. I nodded and answered, "I gotta head to the clinic for a bit today." He made his way down and passed me a house key from a pretty crowded key chain. "Thanks,"I replied as he handed it to me.

He then turned back towards the staircase and said,"Alright. I gotta go check on some new software I was downloading on my computer I'll be back in a minute." The room fell silent once Cory went back upstairs. Both Vanessa and I sat in silence for at least five minutes before one of us broke it.

Vanessa started, "He must trust you alot." I looked up at her as I replied, "I'd hope so."
She added, "I wonder how much so..."


I shook my head and continued eating Cory's FrootLoops. Moments later he returned with a confused expression on his face. He started, "Did one of you go in my office?" I looked over at him confused. Vanessa asked, "What happened?"
He let out a large sigh and looked down at the floor. He answered, "This new software for my videos I was downloading is gone."
She questioned once more,"Maybe there was a lapse in the connection so it stopped." He replied, "I wish but, that and two other applications are gone. And stuff seemed out of place."

Neither of us replied as what he said dispelled the entire Internet connection theory.

Vanessa continued, "Well, you're the only one that knows the password, right?"


I felt both pairs of eyes face towards me. I noticed that I hadn't said anything for this conversation as yet.
"I do."

Cory's eyes casted unto the ground as Vanessa stared at me accusedly. "Then it must be Rachel," Vanessa scoffed from afar, literally less than three seconds later.

Of course she thinks it's me.

"And why would I delete stuff from Cory's computer? What motive would I have?" I questioned from afar as I had just finished my bowl of cereal. A silence had filled the room once more. Vanessa continued, "I mean- you said it yourself yesterday. You said that Cory's job is so easy since he has it from home. Is this you trying to spite him Rachel?"

She continued, "That's not right Rachel, no matter our profession having a job is still hard work. How could you do that to him?"

I replied as I tried to defend myself, "But I didn't. And I would never do such a thing." Rachel then replied with malice in her voice, "Then who else could it be Rachel?"

I started, "I-"
I tried to respond but my words got stuck in my throat once Cory's eyes locked with mine. He wore a sad facial expression as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. I replied as I felt my insides start to churn, "I don't know," that came out shakier than I thought it would.

Rachel pressed on, "Why bother lying, when all Cory has done you is good?" I shook my head in disbelief of this situation. "You don't believe her, do you?" I asked Cory.
I could feel my heart hammering in my chest.

Cory stood in place as he stared at the floor. He stood like that for quite some time.
It was too long. I felt my heart fall as I looked at him.

He believes her.

I answered my own question, "You do." My eyes startd to water as I felt heartbroken. I nodded as I looked down at the table. I felt a tear escape from my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I picked up my phone and walked towards the front door. I opened the door and closed it behind me. "Wait-"said Cory's voice. But it was too late.

I quickly walked out to the street and found a cab. I paused temporarily as it felt as if my heart was physically hurting.

I need to find a distraction.

Just then my phone buzzed with a message from my possible employer.

Just what I needed.

-later that day

It was my first day on the job and I made alot of mishaps. My mind just couldn't seem to concentrate. When the day was finished I stood outside in the car park lost on what to do. I picked up my phone for the first time since this morning only to see thirteen missed calls from Cory.

I don't think I'm ready to face him.

I found a hotel and ordered a room with what little spare change I had. I called my mom as I slumped onto the bed. "Hey Mom.." I said. She paused a for a great while and replied, "What's wrong?"


"Why would anything be wrong?"I asked. She answered, "I could hear it in your voice." I let out a large sigh as I looked up at the ceiling. I felt defeated. Vanessa got what she wanted.

"Mom, I like Cory alot... but something happened today. And I feel.. heart broken. There's this feeling in my chest and it... pains every time I inhale. It's been on my mind the whole day," I responded.

Why would he believe me?
He's known Vanessa for years now.
Why did I bother getting my hopes up?

"Do you think you can fix it?"she asked.

"no...." I answered sadly. I sat in silence for a while just feeling sorry for myself. She replied, "Rachel, if it's meant to be.. everything will work out honey."
I took a deep breath in as I felt my eyes water once again.
"Okay Mom.. I gotta go." I hung up as I remained in the silent room by myself.

What can I even do? Now he thinks I'm a liar. After all he's done for me.
From watching the stars and laying on his chest. To dancing in his kitchen, in his office too and playing Injustice two.
I turned over and covered my face with my pillow wishing silently that today didn't happen.

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