Chapter 6

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Rachel's P.O.V~

Both Cory and I had collapsed on the floor in laughter from our ridiculous dancing. I tried to catch my breath, but every time I looked back at Cory I started laughing again. After, about another ten minutes Cory finally got up and helped me off the floor. Once he pulled me up I almost fell on him as I felt his sturdy arms wrap around me. I looked up at him as our faces happened to be less than a mere inch away. My arms remained perched on his shoulders as his remained around my waist.

We both froze in each other's arms. I looked up into his dark brown eyes as it seemed as if I was easily lost in them. I felt a warmth enter my body as if had drank a steaming mug of hot cocoa after wondering the streets at night. I'd swore I never felt so comfortable in someone's arms. I could feel myself being drawn closer to him as my lips started to part. I felt the rest of the world slipping away as we drew closer like two magnets.

Just then, Vanessa's voice cut across the room,"Hey. I just wanted to-"

I pulled away from him as Vanessa's words from earlier echoed in my head. I regretted doing so as the moment I did, it felt as if I were an electronic device that had been abruptly unplugged from a wall.

I saw him freeze for a moment as his face fell. It was as if he had now re-entered back into reality.
He must've felt it too.

He shook his head lightly as he looked back up at Vanessa. He replied, "Yeah, what were you saying?" I saw her eyes flick towards me for a minute before she bothered answering. "I just wanted to say goodbye. I gotta get going." Cory responded, "Well, alright let me walk you out." They both turned and left and I decided to get ready for bed.

-about half an hour later

I sat on the edge of my bed as my mind brewed constantly with thoughts of this afternoon's events. Cory's reaction to when I pulled away was tugging at my heartstrings in ways I didn't know they could. I fell back into my bed as I groaned.

I think I like him.
A lot.
But it's so soon. So quick. How???

Maybe it's the way that he talks, smiles, walks and grins. Maybe? I don't know. What I do know if that I am Royally Screwed.
How am I supposed to face him after that??

I got up and went down to the kitchen as I was reminded that I was still thirsty from earlier. I paused once I realised that Cory sat at one of the countertops with his bible in hand. I didn't bother saying anything as I didn't wish to interrupt. I silently poured myself a glass of water and leaned against the fridge door while I finished it.

Once I did I just couldn't help but approach him. I made my way beside him as I watched his finger slide across the page for each line that he read. He was in the gospel of John, reading from Chapter 8.

He read: "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

After that verse his finger paused as I saw him look up at me. "Oh, I'm sorry for intruding-" He replied, "No, it's alright. I was just finishing up anyway."
I nodded as I made my way back into the kitchen to wash the glass I had used. "Did you enjoy this afternoon?" I asked with my back turned to him. He paused for a minute and then answered, "Yeah it was okay.. Vanessa said she'd probably be coming over tomorrow. And since tomorrow is the weekend we could all spend a little more time together. What do you think?"

That's a terrible idea.
But I can't say that. That's one of Cory's long-term friends.

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