Chapter 1: Finals Approach

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   (Rolund Hea Yong - GT 0932 139)

"Are you sure you are ready?" A rich feminine voice said.

I snapped back, returning to reality and realizing my, one-and-only, best friend Ileen questioned me. "Uh... yeah!" I said, despite my attempts I knew she'd see right through me and notice my uncertainty.

"Are you sure? We still have two days until they start; We could go over them tomorrow night if you feel like you need to. I would be happy to help, as always." The blue furred koopew said, clearly concerned.

What is a koopew? A koopew is an alien species that originate from the Solina System, their main body is fairly similar to a humans but they have digitigrade legs, a tail as long as they are tall, three fingers instead of four, two huge fox-like ears, and an upper mouth like a beak, all covered in a fur coat that can come in virtually every color. Sometimes instead of calling them koopew, people sometimes just call them pew, similar to how humans can be simplified to men. Out of all of the other species in Stellarz I think they are my favorite, though the other aliens of Stellarz each have their pros and cons.

"I... I think I've already learned plenty from you." I said before giving a chuckle. In reality I would have likely dropped out after my second year here if it were not for her and her intellect. I never really absorb stuff I do not care much about. It is funny how she is practically the opposite; absorbing any sort of information she can get her furry hands on in a matter of instants, regardless of if it has any practical use or not.

"Think that has anything to do with me being nearly forty years older than you?" She said jokingly, Souhn's light reflecting in her glasses. Koopews, like her, age at a much slower rate than humans and the other aliens of Stellarz.

"Well, in human years I am around three years older than you." I said emphasizing older, "So I think I'll be fine. Piloting a spaceship is more than booksmarts."

"That is true." She said pushing her glasses up her furry beak. Her eyelids lowering seemingly ready for her to roll her eyes. "But, going in unprepared is a recipe for disaster. The test is also about booksmarts, even if normally piloting is not."

"You do know I am not saying that to harm you, you are perhaps the single smartest individual in this entire campus." I responded. She was the first alien ever allowed to attend Golden Dragon College and she constantly scored higher than virtually anyone else in the school, even the other aliens allowed in the years after she enrolled.

"Well if that is the way you want to play, I think you have the greatest probability to become the greatest pilot who ever stood upon the soil of Tharum." Ileen said with a smirk. "Your reflexes are one of the things you have that make you, you." She said pointing at my heart.

"Greatest pilot maybe... but you know just as much as I do that I want to be more than that." I said sighing. "I want to be a captain, a leader, and lead my followers and friends in search for worlds unseen by organics!" I said waving my hand in the air.

"That is very honorable Rolund, while I think you would make a great captain, I do not think you will find anything in the Void. For all we know, Stellarz is all that there is."

"There has to be another galaxy or something out there for us! This cannot be it!" I said.

"Even if there is something else out there we should try and keep our little galaxy moving along, and that takes everyone. Your passion could help ensure that." She said before looking at the time on her COM. "I have enjoyed our time together, but I have got somewhere to be, if you end up changing your mind, make sure to tell me tomorrow!" I watched as she sprinted off towards the ladies dormitories.

Sometimes I question why over all of these years here at Golden Dragon, why I've only ever bonded with Ileen. Throughout my life, I have never really connected well with other humans, being more of a loner. I suppose Ileen felt the same way when she was the only non-human in Tharum in our first year. I have been getting tired with all of these intense class lessons, I should enjoy the time before the storm. Perhaps in the meantime, I should get some rest.

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