Chapter 3: War

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(Rolund Hea Yong - GT 0932 143)

The capital attacked?! I did not manage to see Ileen in all the chaos as I returned to my dormitory. I tried to contact her through the Endonet, but it seemed with the attack, the network was malfunctioning. I have to see if she is alright, some way or another!

I looked out of the window, the outside almost like a ghost town besides some DLT soldiers on patrol around the campus walls and city outside of the campus. Tossing off my graduation robes and tossing on something more agile, I slid my room's window open before looking down the two stories between me and the ground, the evening Souhn slowly setting bringing darkness over the campus.

I climbed out of the window and grabbed onto one of the pipes to slide down on it as I landed in the bushes below, before sprinting out towards the girl's dormitories. I took my time to look for hiding spots, and keeping an eye out for possible patrols. Nearly to the girl's dormitories, I hid in a bush and kept as still and as quiet as possible as I for a split second saw a pair of soldiers turn around the corner; I listened as they conversed with each other.

"I mean, of all the things I could have been doing today, I am stuck doing patrol work?"

"You think that is bad? One of my best friends from camp died in the attack whilst posted at the capital."
"Really? Man, I guess you are right, it could've been worse, a week ago I had the choice to be stationed there this week; could've been me."

"Well, we got to deal with what the Deums hand us, pal."

With the two soldiers now round the far corner I tried to remember where her room was compared to the outside; Luckily, it was only on the second floor. Climbing up the wall I looked into the window recognizing her room, but I could not see her for whatever reason. Perhaps she was in one of the side rooms?

I proceeded to knock on the glass to see if I could catch her attention. After what felt like forever hanging onto the side of the building, hoping nobody would see me, I saw her come out of her bathroom still dressed in her graduation robe looking distressed. When she saw me outside of her window I saw her eyes open wide as she rushed over quickly to open the window as I slid in.

"What are you doing!?" She said with a gasp to me. "You could get in some serious trouble!"

"I was worried about you! I noticed they did not get to you before we were dismissed and I did not see you on our way out." I said fairly quickly.

"Why didn't you just message me on the COM?" She said pulling hers out of the drawer.

"You would not believe it but the Endonet is down!" I said, "Either something must be limiting the traffic of the net or there is so much activity being passed around that the server could not handle it. In either case I could not contact you so that is why I came here."

"That cannot be righ-" she cut herself off as she looked at her COM. "Oh my Deum, you are right." After a moment she continued, "Wait, something is coming through; a holo-feed." She pressed a button on her COM as the hologram emitters started up.

"Presidential Alert!" A robotic voice exclaimed as an important looking globe of our planet Tharum was projected into the air. "On GT 0932 143 at 15:46 the capital was attacked by a fleet of Vesmican warships. The capitol building as been completely destroyed, though luckily President Terp was off-site during the attack and thus was unharmed. What survives of the congress is currently debating on what actions the nation will take against Vesmica for their vile acts towards us. For your own safety and that of the nation please keep your communicators on and able to accept further government broadcasts. End of Transmission."

The hologram emitters sputtered out as the COM went quiet. "They said Vesmica right? It's not just my ears?" Ileen said.

"Yes I think so."
"Last I remember they were the poorest and weakest nation in the galaxy. Though I guess that survey was taken over a decade ago." I knew she loved to read up on random facts in her freetime.

"All I know is a lot of important individuals are dead, and that something like this has not happened in centuries. I just hope this craziness will end soon and we can continue with our lives."

Endo-Stellarz:War on the HorizonWhere stories live. Discover now