Chapter 2: Graduation

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(Ileen Von Derk - GT 0932 143)

To think I have come so far since I left the family farm on Terrina; I will finally be able to prove my parents wrong, and show them what I am capable of doing! Certainly, whatever the outcome, I do not think this day could ever be forgotten.

I checked my COM as I found the email that the school sent me about my final grades and graduation. Just as I expected, I passed with the proficiency of a yovloi in the sky! The Graduation ceremony will be taking place in the campus stadium in the early evening.

"If that is the case, Rolund and I can get some lunch to celebrate! I hope I can convince him to go to my favorite place." I said to myself before practically lipping my lips before getting on my outside clothes and heading towards the boy's dormitories.

When I made it to Rolund's door I proceeded to knock with our special code; four quick knocks, a break, then two more. After what felt like ages, he opened the door, but instead of seeing him excited as I expected, his face showed what looked like recently dried tears and gray under the eyes. "Good morning." I said trying to be optimistic, hoping the distress his face showed was only my imagination.

"I failed to get my captain's pass..." Rolund said almost in a mumble, confirming my suspicions.

"You failed?!" This was shocking news, how could he ever fail! He really should have studied with me the other night if he was not actually confident in his abilities!

"Not quite... I passed the test well enough that I still got my licence, but I was not cleared for getting my captain's degree. So I have been downgraded to receive a pilot's degree instead." He continued. "So I will still be going to the ceremony later today, but I will have to come back in a week and retake the captain's test to have another chance at getting the captain's degree." He finished wiping off a tear.

"Well, you still have a good chance of getting it soon!" I said, trying to find the positive side. "At least your parents are not hanging their entire opinion of you based off of your success here."

After a moment he said, "That is true." His attitude slowly improving as time passes.

"Well the graduation is not until the evening. Perhaps we should grab some lunch to help lighten up your day?" I pointed my thumb backwards out the window towards our favorite restaurant.

"Perhaps sushi is what I need to get in the mood for graduation anyhow." he finished.

A few hours have passed as we enjoyed a nice serving of sushi. Like most koopews, I usually have distaste towards eating similar things in succession, perhaps a protection against monotony, though seafood seems to break that rule and speaks out to our very souls. It is ironic, because nearly all koopew are unable to swim, and as such, are hydrophobic. Our favorite food in a place of death and fear. Though with lunch finished and us having enjoyed our remaining time together, it is time for us to get ready for the graduation ceremony.

"See you on the podium!" I eagerly shouted to Rolund as we separated, going to our positions in the massive line. Unlike many other colleges in Stellarz, Golden Dragon mixes it up and goes through their line in reverse alphabetical order instead, so Rolund will end up getting his degree before me. With so many students, I have some waiting to do.

The line started to move, the roar of the crowd cheering ringed through the hallway, the music faint in comparison to the nearly deafening cheers. Slowly but surely, everyone inched down the line and we eventually found our seats. Then we all watched as the president of Golden Dragon College headed up towards the pedestal.

He tapped the microphone a few times, the thumping followed by minor feedback coming from the large speakers. "Will the audience please calm down?" The College President said as the audience slowly but surely quieted down with a few slow cheers taking a bit longer. "Today is a special day. Not just for our students who have worked so hard for years to get into this very position, but for the school as well." He breathed in trying to collect his words.

"Our advancements as of late has gotten the attention of some of the most important individuals, one of whom is the President of the Democratic League of Tharum himself! Please give a nice and warm welcome to our President, Dalvikay Jel Terp!"

The College President then directed his body to the right of the stage as a short yellow koopew walked across the stage with purpose, ending with him shaking the hand of the College President, who had to practically kneel to reach the hand of the small koopew. The College President then handed the microphone to the koopew as the pew practically snatched it from his grasp.

The koopew walked behind the pedestal, but he realized he was way too short to look over it as only his ear tips were visible above it. He signaled one of his human body guards as two of the suits brought over a tall stool for him to stand upon. He was only about a meter tall, short even for koopew standards for his age.

The men in black lifted him up, and onto the stool as he now looked even taller than the Class President was earlier. "Is this thing still o- ah yes." He said in a snuffly tone that elongated his u's, "I, President Terp of the DLT, am here to announce that the class of O-932 of the Golden Dragon College has seen spectacular growth over the other classes of your institution. I am pleased to say, every graduate will receive the honor of shaking my hand with a complimentary three percent refund on your tuition." Then the music started to play as the students slowly started to funnel onto the stage to receive their degree... and Terp's embrace.

It is a miracle how he even became the president of the DLT, most people think he had only ran to show others he was not weak. He did promise many great things in his campaign, but ever since his reelection into his final term, he appeared to pretend that he never made those promises. Ever since then, his popularity has been lacking where his ego has been constantly growing to replace it. He ironically became one of the corrupt individuals he once claimed he was against.

After only a few minutes I hear "Rolund Hea Yong" as I saw Rolund walk up to Dalvikay and shook both his, and the College President's, hands before having their picture taken and receiving his degree on his Communicator. I saw him wave towards me as he walked off the other end of the stage to then head back to his seat.

After an hour of still waiting in line with only a few students left in front of me, I felt a strange feeling as one of Dalvikay's suits came running up to him to whisper something in his ear, pausing the line momentarily. Moments later Dalvikay relayed the information to the College President as his face went from pleased to shocked.

The College President sprinted to get the microphone, and stood at the pedestal as Dalvikay and the suits proceeded to leave the stadium. What could prompt them to leave in the middle of the ceremony?! Whispers could be heard among the students as the College President took a second to think of what to say. His eyes shifted around as it seemed like he was having trouble dealing with that he has been told.

Finally, he put the microphone up to his mouth as he wiped off his forehead before saying, "It has come to my attention that the capitol building has just been attacked and destroyed by a currently unknown force. For the safety of the students, a presidential order has been given. The graduation is to be canceled in the off chance the attackers would try and come here to attack president Terp, putting us in harm's way. So everyone, please return to your place of residence until further instructions. The DLT is now in a state of national emergency."

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