Chapter 24: Banishment

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(Rolund Hea Yong - GT 0932 192)

"So, you actively went and broke our deal." Mr. Eks said to us. We found ourselves in his office once again, but this time forced there with a pair of koopew guards in complete mechanized armor, and the robed koopew from earlier.

"I could have just killed you the moment you left Terrina, but I cannot allow snoopers a quick and easy death, at least without knowing who brought them their death." He continued.

"He... didn't die in the fire." Jiyoda gasped still injured and being held down underneath the two armored pews feet.

"Silence prisoner." One of the mechanized koopews said though a speaker in their helmet.

"No, he didn't, but the world will have seen it if he had died in that fire that dark night. I remember it just like yesterday." Eks said looking out the window to Terrina above. "The clouds where gray and brewing, all I had was one task, eliminate him."

"You started the fire didn't you?!" Ileen said, her eyes still watery.

"Well glad to see there is a detective among our ranks." Eks said before continuing, "I set fire to that building thinking he had already returned home, but for some reason he was later than expected. By the time I realized he wasn't in that fire I knew that after all the stress he had been enduring through the war it would be his breaking point. I called the job done, and got my seat as CEO in this very company merely months later. For as you see there are games being played here that you cannot even begin to comprehend."

He took out another cigar and put it in his mouth. "It was only a matter of time until I ruled over Terrina, then the rest of koopew kind. I care not of the other species, they'll destroy each other in time leaving the galaxy to it's rightful kind."

"You think the koopew are... are superior to the other species?" I said hating the sentiment.

"I don't 'think' they are superior, I 'know' we are superior. For instance, we don't die from our own bodies falling apart in a matter of decades; we can remember entire histories of nations; and all in I'd say a handsome package. But besides that, I'm sure we all know how this is going to end."

"Torture, imprisonment? I won't give you any information if that's what you are going to try and get." Jiyoda gasped.

"No, the only individuals that know of my failure to ensure Mr. Sniperian's death, are here in this room at this very moment. Now I cannot have any loose ends going around spilling my little secret now can I?" Mr. Eks said. "It's not personal, but I cannot afford the risk your very existence poses to my entire company."

"But I am merciful... even to those whom are not of dragon blood." He said gesturing towards Jiyoda and I. "I suppose you should know my whole name, that way I can be sure it is the last thing running through your heads."

"I, Valko Day Eks, CEO of Aivin TEK am happy to announce that Aivin TEK will admire your death wish." He then turned around and proceeded towards his desk. "Kill them." he muttered.

"You... You fucking dragil!" Jiyoda screamed with all of her energy.

The pews in the room, including Ileen, froze up before Valko spoke up. "On second thought! Jalie please tell the navigation sector to send us to sector P. A simple quick death simply will not do now." The robed pew left the room after being addressed.

"You are a Dragil and you know it!" Jiyoda said between gasps.

"Oleg put a muzzle lock on the bird why don't you."

"Yes sir." the guard said constructing a beak restrainer. Not long after the other guard held Jiyoda's beak shut as she tried to struggle, but she was no match for the two mechanically enhanced soldiers as the muzzle lock was forced onto her to keep her in silence.

Jiyoda could only muster muffled noises as Valko walked up to us and kicked Jiyoda hard in her head with his large foot.

"Escort them to the launch site. I'll meet up with you two shortly."

A few minutes later...

One of the guards was holding Jiyoda up on his shoulder, her arms and legs now bound too from her attempts to escape and deal some damage. Ileen and I where in handcuffs as we were being directed by the other guard. We were in what looked to be a giant loading room, above us a massive window overlooking Terrina.

"Stay here, and don't try to escape." the guard guiding us said as we stood there near the giant tube leading up past the bulb on the front of the station where Valko's office was stationed.

"I'm not letting this one down." The other guard said to the first. "To finicky."

"Well, these trouble doers will get what they deserve." the first replied.

"You've got that right."

Not long after we heard a slight rumbling noise as we instinctively looked up. It appeared as if a portal was opening up in space above us, it kept growing bigger and bigger. Behind it was not the planet of blues and greens, but one of reds and oranges as it kept expanding until all we could see was the portal through the roof. "That's a big portal."

"And that last you'll be going through." a guard said to me before lightly knocking my head. After a few seconds I felt the same sort of energy radiate over me when we went through the portals earlier, it was as if the entire station traveled through a portal large enough to swallow entire continents!

A matter of minutes later Valko and the robed pew entered the room with us. "Enjoying your view of Pyrum?" Valko chuckled, "It'll be the last place you'll ever step foot on, especially with those savages living on it. They'll have a field day with you three!" He laughed a bit more before calming down.

"Load them into separate shells. They'll be lucky if they ever see each other again." He said to the guards.

"Yes sir!" they said in unison as the robed one started messing with a nearby control panel. On the rail seemingly leading into the giant tube a chair materialized as Jiyoda was carried over to it.

"Enjoy your flight." The guard laughed as he plopped her down into the chair and locked her in before stepping back off the rail. Soon a giant metal structure was constructed around Jiyoda putting her out of sight. "Ready to fire suspect J sir."

"Starting firing sequence." the robed one said as the sound of machinery turned on and reved up. Moments later the container holding Jiyoda started to move along the rail towards the tube. Once it reached the tube it was rotated to face upwards, moments later it shot up the tube in the blink of an eye.

A "thumn" sound resonated through the station as I saw a flaming fireball exit the top of the station and head down towards the planet. "Take the human next." Valko said grinning as he looked at the sandy planet above.

The first guard came to pick me up and drag me over to another chair that had materialized despite me being stuck looking at the floor. "Ileen, stay strong." I mustered before being dropped in the chair and strapped in against my will.

Stepping back the guard said, "Suspect R ready to fly."

"Affirmative." The robed one said as a metal casing started forming around me blocking out the noise of the room and pews.

"Well this is how I die, isn't it?" I said to myself as my voice echoed in the box as I felt it start to move. "Could be worse I guess."

I felt as the gravity suddenly flipped as I was being held down by the seat, soon after I was falling forward, likely from the container being turned.

"It was nice knowing you." I said expecting those to be my last words. Then suddenly I started falling back into my chair as I felt like I was going to pass out as it felt like the gravity of a thousand jupiters.

After a few moments the pressure suddenly stopped as I gasped in the dark box. "Guess I have a few moments to make peace before hitting the planet and all." I waited a second before continuing, "Mother, father, brother, sister, be strong." Clenching up hoping it would be quick and happen any moment now.

Any moment now. Any... 

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