Chapter 16: Nebula Shock

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(Jiyoda Kotrya Feza - GT 0932 179)

All of this waiting tore at my soul, but it allowed me to reflect upon myself. I leaned upon the wall with my eyes closed, the muffled sounds of the nebula storm outside resonating through the ship.

I have always had trouble using magic unlike the other yovloi but with my practice I could sense the world around me, with the right conditions my eyes wouldn't be necessary. The human made his way out of his room. He was clearly tired as he stumbled into the room. "Wha- what's happening?" he mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I said, my eyes still closed.

"Don't you feel the ship rumbling and the... booming noises?"

"The Nebula storm? Don't tell me you haven't experienced a Nebula storm before... "

"Don't you reme-" he said before I interrupted him.

"Ah yes, you never left your system before all of this, that's why. Anyways you mentioned you were studying to be a pilot in your college, shouldn't you have heard of them before?"

"I must have not been paying attention that day."

"Galactic weather is not something you should just overlook. You are lucky that this is a lighter storm, and that I am aboard." I said slightly shaking my head.

"Well we did not have that much time to prepare." he said before taking a seat at the common's table. "Though I guess now would be a good time to learn about these important things."

"You know I would just tell you to look it up, but I am pretty sure the storm is blocking the connection to the Endonet, and I would like to sleep without having to worry about you killing us in the middle of space."


"So space isn't the bland and empty void with specs of stars here and there like some of those children's fantasy shows show on the Endonet... At least within Stellarz, the void outside of Stellarz appears to be only that, without the stars." I said as I got off the wall and sat down finally opening my eyes.

"Around Stellarz you can find nebula, essentially space clouds. Sometimes the mana of the galaxy can get imbalanced and thus cause different effects to these nebulae. From electrical storms like this one coming from a surplus of electrical energy to sudden star formation with fire energy." I went.

"I am still learning more about magic, as I am new to that too." he added in.

"Look, you can look that up when we head back to that giant dragoness back on Rayleah, I'm sure she knows, and I am only interested in giving ONE lecture." I said squinting my eyes.

"Ok I get it." he said, "Just go on."

"Where was I? Ah yes, galactic weather is closely related to the nature of the mana field. There are many different effects, kinds, and severities of galactic weather all based on the combination of surplus magical energies in the area. The reason why this weather doesn't happen around solar systems is because of life taking in and using up the mana instead of it accumulating to unsustainable levels out in deep space."

"Magic and life?" he said

"No other lectures, you can go fill in these gaps later if you are so inclined to. Electricity influences nebula storms. Chaos makes dense and virtually impossible to see through nebula. Fire can spur the creation of new stars, or heat things up. Earth creates things such as asteroids and the start of new planets. Water, well creates water. Ice cools things down, sometimes to dangerous levels. Order magic encourages the creation of ordered structures such as crystals. And lastly air magic can change the speed of things, sometimes creating nebula winds and vortexes. Though life, death, time, creation, and mind magics for all we have seen appear to have little to no effect unlike the others."

"Electricity... Chaos... Fire... Earth... " he started to list off.

"Like I said, you'll learn them once you talk to that queen." I said with a sneer. "She clearly knows virtually everything about magic that there is to know... Somehow." I had a suspicion she was hiding something from us, no one, not even those ancient koopew could have learned that much about the arcane without experiencing limitations in their body, or soul.

"Well, thank you for the information." he said before getting up. He stood there for a moment before continuing. "If you don't mind answering, who are you talking to on your COM so often?"

"I suppose you haven't stabbed me in the back since we meet nearly twenty days ago, so I guess I can tell you. He is Dejamshi, the AI that lived in my old ship."

"You had your own ship?" he said.

"Let's just say it is no longer serviceable." I said grinning a little thinking about that fate that scumbag who took it from me most likely has experienced by now. "Speaking of AI, I never noticed if your ship had one or not, if you do it seems quite, quiet."

"Oh it was designed to be able to house an AI, but my grandfather never put more than a very light code to deal with the technical stuff in its place."

"Then you should be fine if Dejamshi could take its place so long as we are working together then? He is growing tired being trapped in this." I said gesturing to my COM.

"Well I never found an AI necessary. We haven't needed one until now."

"Unlike a lot of those other AI out there he is perfectly capable of flying a ship on his own. Basically the perfect autopilot. Albeit a little talkative. Allowing him to fly will allow us to not stick to this silly sleep shifts thing we have been doing for so long."

"Why didn't you mention him sooner."

"I didn't trust you that much until now. Trust me; if you had gone back on your deal, I would have taken the ship by force and toss you out the airlock if I had to."

He stood there with fear and shock before I went. "Just kidding!" I laughed even though I was serious. They were neither Romashinin, nor yovloi, so I had no obligations to them. The only reason why I am sticking around is to save up enough for my own ship and get back to being alone without having some awkward human and nerdy koopew under my gaze.

"Well we have less than a days time until we should reach Xylon, so let's wait until we go off towards Terrina before you go putting Deja... msh... putting the AI in." He said.

"Fair enough." I said, glad I had an excuse to keep Dejamshi in a place I can keep mute and out of my head just to prove a point to them for mocking me.

"Anyhow since I am up I might as well go and relief Ileen from watch duty." He said before turning towards the cockpit door and entering it.

After a minute I got up and went back to the window to meditate once more. As I was about to close my eyes my COM started vibrating. With the storm it had to be Dejamshi trying to talk to me, likely more nagging. I didn't want to deal with that right now so I declined his call and closed my eyes once more.

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