Chapter 8: Roneiron

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(Ileen Von Derk - GT 0932 157)

"Rolund wake up!" I said shaking his body after one of his loud snores.

"Wha- What!" He said his head jumping up.

"We are just about to enter the Tayio system!"

"Oh cool." He then rested his head back down to continue sleeping.

"Wake up moron! You need to land the ship!" I said jokingly.

"Oh, yeah! Just let me get out of my sleeping clothes." He tiredly spoke as I hopped off of him.

"I'll be waiting for you in the cockpit." I said to him as I walked out of his bedroom and closed the sliding door. "I cannot wait to stop eating these crappy snack sticks." I said knocking a wrapper off the table into the bin. "I won't be able to get that taste off of my tongue for weeks!" I frantically tried to wipe my tongue off hoping it would weaken that phantom of a taste.

A few minutes later Jakedon hopped his way into the cockpit finishing putting his vest on. "What are we dealing with here?" he says looking at the green planet.

"So where are we going to land?" I asked him.

"Well we could try the capital city Puratmu." He says.

"Well might as well try going there." I said really wanting to get off the ship as soon as possible.

"Alright, strap in, we are going in." He said as he took control of the ship and started our descent towards the surface.

The ship's screen suddenly lit up as an incoming communications request popped up upon it. "Roneiron Security Station Six." He said reading it after a moment accepting it.

"Hello crew of... the "SS Dragoon." Before you land on Roneiron we need you to answer just a few simple questions." A feminine voice announced from the speaker.

"This is Rolund Hea Yong, pilot of the SS Dragoon, available to answer your questions." He replied.

"First we need to know if you have anyone else aboard the ship with you." the voice continued.

"Well other than me is my friend Ileen, so two organics on this ship."

"Alright, is your ship carrying any weapons or other questionable items?"

"Nothing except some personal belongings, clothing, food, and water."

"Lastly what is your reason for visiting Roneiron today?"

"Tourism, and resupplying."

"What location are you going to go to today?"


After a moment the feminine voice replied. "Very good. You have been sent the coordinates of an available pad for you to dock on. Have a very nice stay with the Yovloi of Roneiron."

In a matter of minutes the Dragoon landed down onto a ship-pad on an elevated cityscape. "Finally!" I burst out as I flung off the seatbelt.

As I stepped out into the fresh air I suddenly felt heavier. "Oh! The gravity here is stronger than on Tharum."

"So how's it look?" Rolund said still in the ship and its gravity.

As I looked around I noticed we were on a really, really massive tree! Our ship was parked on a wooden moss covered platform that branched off to the trunk as it spiraled down towards the surface, we were at least seven stories up! About every story was another landing pad similar to ours. Peaking over the natury barrier I saw what looked like a field of wooden and mossy skyscrapers, most shorter than the tree nearby but are much taller in the distance.

As Rolund stepped out of the Dragoon he sighed heavily before saying, "Getting used to this will take a while, where is the elevator?"

"Rolund, I don't see any elevators or the like. Anyhow I am sure you could use the exercise after being stuck in there for so long."

He looked over the edge too before saying, "Seven stories of stairs with this gravity!? Well at least it is going down for now..."

After what was only a few minutes of walking down the tree we touched the mossy ground. Rolund was almost exhausted as he took a few deep breaths before going. "I propose Roneiron implements some elevators or lowering the darn gravity."

"You'll get used to it." I said, the gravity not to much worse than Terrina my home world.

"Hey, are the roads made of moss? Or did they forget to mow the lawn?" Rolund said before cutting himself off as a Yovloi couple walked past him, one giving him a disapproving stare.

The Yovloi are a fascinating species, they are likely what you would get if you where to mix a human with a fox and bird before giving it an extreme affinity with the arcane. They are a tad shorter than your average human and are covered in a mix of feathers and fur, seemingly shifting between the two in some areas. The Yovloi have a mix of wings and arms with their clawed hands at the end of their large feathery wing-arms.

Similarly to the Koopew the Yovloi also seemingly come in virtually any color, but with gray-scale colors being more prominent. Their feet are similar to the feet and talons of most birds while most have a beak and larger ears. Their tails resemble that of a fox's but with special feathers used to control and stabilize their flight.

The last thing to note is their mysterious gems they have growing in their chests, the males having a single larger one while the females have two that are seemingly smaller due to them appearing partially buried in their chests. The gems have been theorized to be their hearts/souls and shifts colors based on what types of magic they best connect with.

"I wonder what kind of food they have to offer here." I thought as I looked around the street, many Yov and a few other species going about their business. "See any restaurants?" I asked Rolund.

"Humm..." he said looking around. "Oh what about that one!" He said pointing towards a sign that said "Reoshi Seafood, the flagship of the seafood industry for over a millennia."

"You know me! I cannot resist some food from the water!" I said as we proceed to walk into the establishment.

As we walked in the natural bluish light of Taylo was replaced with a deeper blue that filled the restaurant. The restaurant looked as if it was in a strangely shaped submarine by the design of the walls and interior windows. Blue lights illuminated the room as it reflected off the metal ceiling from the blue lamps along the walls shining light upwards.

"Welcome to Reoshi Seafood!" A female Yovloi that almost resembled a seagull wearing what looked like a stylized scuba suit said. "Are we waiting for anyone?

"No, just the two of us." Rolund said.

"Alright, just follow me, I will show you where you will be seated today." She said as she picked up two holo-menus.

She sat us down at a circular metal table with metal rotating stools as chairs. She put the holo-menus in front of us as she went back to the reception.

I took a look at the menu. "Hey I don't recall seeing any of these fish before, Saemon, Beasu, Sicel? Must be native to Ronerion or another Quarvian System."

"To the right there is a button you can push to describe each item!" Rolund pointed out.

"Oh neat!" I said pushing the button for Saemon. Moments later the screen displayed a description of the fish. I proceeded to skim through the description.

"Saemon is similar in taste to Tharum's Salmon... has a richer flavor... found in salt waters/oceans."

"Interesting." I say, "I think I'll have something with Saemon."
"Are you not going to look through the other options first?" Rolund questioned me.

"I'm sure we will be here for quite some time, or at least have the option to eat these in the future." I said certain our worries of the war between the DLT and Vesmica being a thing of our past.

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