Chapter 13: The Vest

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   (Ileen Von Derk - GT 0932 165)

The large pew walked us into the castle allowing us to enter past the guards with no problems as we practically ran trying to keep up with her as she went deep into the castle. The lower gravity made the trip a bit easier but it still was a challenge to keep up with her. But then she had lead us to a room near the top of the castle. "In here." She said in her motherly voice.

Closing the door behind us she proceeded to ask, "So, where did you get that vest?" she directed towards me.

"Uh... I got it from a pawn shop on Tharum." I said almost feeling like I was in trouble for something unknowingly.

"Did it have that patch on it when you found it?" she said pointing at the Golden Dragon upon my right chest.

"It was just a very nice black vest with nothing on it ma'am." I said almost shaking from nervousness.

"Sorry about these questions, it's just that that vest is unmistakingly the one my long gone friend wore. The last time I saw him was all the way back in the late GT 0240's when he decided to return to Terrina despite having lived here for over a decade. He promised he would visit, but it has been entire centuries and he has not shown up once. I worry about what might have happened to him."

"Miss, he's probably de-" Rolund tried to say before being interrupted by her.

"I know he is not dead, I feel his presence, his energies, still. He is at least alive in some presence, somewhere out there in the galaxy. I have tried asking everyone from everywhere I know if they know anything of what has happened to him, many have suggested that he had died, or had never heard of him; But I know they are all wrong, the mana still hosts his presence within it, however weak it may be."

"So what do you want us to do? Oh and you never told us your name." Rolund asked her.

She wiped off the few teardrops in her eyes before continuing. "I am Salien Vel Zeria, Queen of the Liberbians, Prophet of Unitism, but to be honest despite all of fame and riches that have found their way into my possession... I am lonely. I have never been able to let him go, my Allen... I tried to get together with other pew but none have understood me as much as he did.

I had almost given up hoping that something would come up that would lead me to him in time as all my efforts in the past ended in vain. But that leads me to you. You wear upon yourself the vest in which he wore while he lived upon this planet, perhaps you can find my lover for me where I could not."

"I am sorry Miss Zeria, but we cannot exactly go anywhere, with the war, most of the galaxy hostile towards us, and well, we don't have much money left after all of that." Rolund said.

"If you agree to help find Allen, I will do my best to help you with all of those problems to the best of my ability. Lend you the sanctuary of Unil Kastle, talk to the right people to let you two go around the galaxy virtually free of worry, and lastly give you the funding you need for anything in your journey."

"It's better than trying to start over virtually homeless and without credit Rolund." I said to him.

"No strings attached?" Rolund asked her.

"All I ask is that you find out what has really become of him, and, if possible, bring him here. You'll be forever welcome to the castle if you succeed."

"I see nothing wrong with it Rolund." I said to him. "Also I am starving, we'll help you, but first I really need a bite to eat."

Almost an hour later...

"Here is the dining hall." Salien said, "Your food should be out fairly soon. As for me I have to do some things." She then proceeded to leave the massive dining room and left down the hall before the doors closed masking her from view.

"So where do we sit?" I asked Rolund.

"Probably anywhere, but let's just sit closer to this side and not touch the chairs on the ends of the table." He said.

As we walked on either side of the huge table I noticed a lot of the chairs on the far side where larger than the ones closer and it wasn't just an illusion. Maybe there where other large individuals like Salien in these parts.

"Feels like my stomach is going to pop." I said groning.

"Just means you can eat more!" he said cheerfully.

What felt like hours, but was more like a few minutes later, another large pew wearing a robe walked in holding two platters with food upon them. While she was not quite as large as Salien, she still stood quite tall.

She had a funny accent but seemed serious at the same time. "For our two guests we have... Steamed purple fruit, Tharum sushi, a "cheeseburger", a can of Chocka-bola, and a cup of water." she said as she placed the items in front of us. "Enjoy."

As she walked off as I started to stuff myself with the sushi, ditching the chopsticks as I could not wait for formalities.

In between my bites I saw Rolund pick up the cheeseburger and take a bite out of it before saying, "Well, you still manage to impress me everyday." before chuckling.

"Hey!-... I'm starving!" I said taking a bite between every other word.

An hour later...

We were walking down the hall to where we would be staying as the rays of Manlia came through the windows, the star almost set. "Man that hit the spot." I said to Rolund.

"Cannot argue with you about that."

"Sir!" a voice came up to us from behind. "Your ship has been moved into the landing yard in the back, and this yovloi here wanted to meet up with you!" a female human, not too much older than Rolund said to him, also wearing a robe.

"Living in a castle now are we?" a familiar voice said as Jiyoda rounded the corner of the hallway. "Just what did you do to get in here?" she said walking right up into Rolund's space.

"Apparently something about her vest."

"Her vest?! What kind of stupid shit is that? The last time I checked clothing didn't just permit you into restricted areas... unless you put on a good impression... but I know you didn't do that!"

"Our deal was over!"

"Well, let me in on this and I might just look past this!"

"The queen wants us to find some long lost lover of her's, one who apparently used to wear her vest."

"There has to be some catch to it."

"None that I could tell, she seemed extremely serious about the whole ordeal."

"Look" I butted in, "I am sure Salien would be glad to have more folk help try to find her love."

"Luckily y'all will need a bodyguard since I am sure you wouldn't hurt a flea if it killed your mother." Jiyoda said eyeing me. "Yal probably don't have many other options these days with the war either, so I'm your best bet."

"You know, you are right. Welcome back to the team Jiyoda." Rolund said.

"I wouldn't call it a team, I'm just a bodyguard for hire."

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