Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

School, as usual, was nothing short of monotonous. I woke up at the same time every day, I entered the campus at the same time, and I looked at the clock all day. As usual.

Well, there was something a bit different than usual. Casey didn't meet me at my locker before first period, but honestly, that was starting to become a rare occurrence anyway. As the school year progressed, she found it harder and harder to wake up on time. I couldn't blame her. Actually, if I were to give it a bit more thought, maybe this was all her fault. After all, if I hadn't arrived to class early, I wouldn't have seen what I did.

Weird things happen on college campuses, but I hadn't seen something like this before. As I opened the door to the room, I saw someone hovering by the teacher's computer. It wouldn't be so odd if they hadn't actually been fucking hovering with a bow on their back.

A gasp escaped my lips, very quickly followed by "bitch! The fuck you doing? How are you floating? Oh god, I knew I shouldn't have trusted that shady ass barista at the coffee shop. I bet she spiked my drink! You're not really floating, I'm just a bit insane right now. That's all."

The boy- man, rather, continued to stare at me.

"Okay, I know I'm trying to convince myself that you're all in my head, but like, could you say something? Maybe 'I'm in the drama department, this is all a trick of the light,' or something like 'you're drea-"

"You can see me?" the man asked. He remained relatively frozen, besides the small wings on his back fluttering quickly. Fucking wings.

"Of course I can fucking see you. And it's a bit rude to cut people off when they're talking. God, how are you floating right now? And why do you have-"

"You cuss a lot."

"And you fucking cut me off a lot, motherfucker. It's fucking rude."

The man rolled his eyes, and his body seemed to relax a bit. "Listen, you need to come with me. It's important."

A scoff escaped my lips before I could even try to stop it, not that I would have tried anyway. "Yeah, right," I said as I crossed my arms. "Stranger danger."

He seemed to lower himself to the ground, and he began to walk towards me. He wasn't particularly tall, but he could be intimidating. Well, it probably had more to do with the bow strapped across his back than it did his physique. Whatever the reason, I was not letting him come close to me. As he walked down one of the rows of desks, I walked down another. No way was I letting this fucker put his hands on me.

"You stay away from me!" I shouted. At this point I was okay with more human interaction, as long as it saved me from this... thing. I was pretty sure normal people couldn't float, but I didn't know what else to categorize him as. "Are you wearing fucking gold sandals?"

The man-thing looked down at his feet for a brief moment, and I made a mad dash to the door. All in vain, of course. That seems to be how my luck works. He reached the door before I did, and as much as I wanted to get through, there was no way I was putting myself any closer to his weapons.

He remained standing there for only a moment of silence, but before I could speak, he said "you don't have to come with me, but I do need your name."

I didn't even blink. "Nunya. Nunya Business." Even as I said it I cringed, but there was no way in hell I was giving this freak my real name.

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