Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Five swift, loud knocks on my front door disrupted me from playing Undertale, and I pouted. I did not want to move, and I certainly didn't want to make conversation. It took too much energy. Ignoring the knocking didn't solve the problem, because then the knocking never seemed to stop.

"I'm coming! Don't get your fucking panties in a twist!"

I pulled open the door after jiggling the lock to unlatch it. Eros stood before me with a small frown, but I didn't focus on that long.

He looked... hot.

He was wearing dark jeans that hugged his muscular legs, tucked into brown ankle boots. His plain black shirt hugged his abdomen, and his leather jacket accentuated his arms. I tried to make sure my mouth didn't drop open, especially when he ruffled his hair.

"I don't wear panties," Eros said, and I tore my gaze from his chest. His face was cocky now, and I knew he had seen my ogling. "Though, I wouldn't mind you wearing some." His eyes raked my body and I shivered.

"In your dreams."

I tried to act like none of this got to me as I let him into my apartment. I thought I was tall at nearly six feet, but he towered over me. My apartment suddenly got much, much smaller.

"I need to feed Sassafrass," I said abruptly, and turned around. I heard the door shut behind him, and I knew his eyes were glued to me as I moved around my cramped apartment. "Sassy! C'mere!" She knew her name, but she didn't often come to me unless she wanted to. "Food!"

She came running around the corner.

Of course.

Because of her past, Sassy was scared of strangers, especially big, tall ones. She cowered behind the table when she caught sight of Eros.

"She looks like a fluffy rat," Eros said as he stared at her.

"You look like a fluffy rat!"

He stared at me, and I glared back at him. He couldn't insult my cat and get away with it.

I opened a can of Sassy's wet food and put it in her little bowl. I even mixed it around for her, and I topped off her water. She was a wee bit spoilt, but I'd never admit it.

"Okay, Sassy. I'll be gone for a while, not forever!" I reassured. I pet her back as she ate, and I could feel her purr. "Be good, alright? Don't get lost, don't go outside, and for God's sake, stop trying to balance on top of really high surfaces!"

"She can't understand you, you know?" Eros said.

"She listens better than you."

I stood up and brushed my clothes off. I often wore dark colors so no one could see the car hair on me. Eros should learn to do the same.

Immediately I shook my head. Odds are, he wouldn't be sticking around here for a while. He had his God duties to attend to, and I had school. Besides, I wasn't sure I even wanted him around here too much, and he was mean to Sassy.

I scoffed, ignoring the way Eros looked at me like I was crazy. No one was mean to Sassy, but she could get away with being a little bitch to everyone. It endeared her to me.

"You ready to go?" Eros said. He was staring at me, his hands in his front pockets.

"I suppose. I already let Sassy know that I don't know when we'll be back, but she shouldn't wait up for me. I even already set up her bed."

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