Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"That is so not true! Batman is way better than Superman! How is that even a fucking question!"

"Superman is super, it's in the name! Besides-"

Eros and I were cut off from arguing by the clearing of a throat. I looked over his shoulder and saw a guest.

"I'm so sorry for that, he's impossible. How can I help you?" I put on my best smile, in hopes that she didn't put in a formal complaint about me. At least Eros was smart enough to shut up for now.

He had been staying at the hotel for about a week, and things were... okay. I was still reluctant to talk to him outside the hotel, and I definitely wasn't feeling what romance novels said I would feel with my soulmate. There was no spark, there was no fluttering of my heart, and I certainly didn't think he hung the stars. There were other Gods that had that duty, apparently.

Basically, things were going rather slowly, and I knew Eros was getting impatient. He was always asking me out, and I always had an excuse.

"I have jury duty."

"I'm on my period, sorry."

"I have to feed my plants and water my cat."

I could see why he didn't really believe me.

I tried my best to ignore the way Eros watched me as I helped the woman book her room. She wasn't the nicest, and she insisted being at least twenty yards from the elevator, but not too close to the end of the hallway. And she didn't even say please. Bitch. Still, I was eventually able to send her on her way, and I even offered to have her luggage brought up. Not by me, of course. I was too lazy for that.

She was not even beyond the bend of the hallway before Eros was leaning over the front desk counter. He was definitely not patient.

"Go out with me."

"Sorry, I have plans then."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You're lucky I'm persistent and I know we're meant to be together. I have tough skin. You're going to have to go out with me eventually."

"We've been spending plenty of time together. Why go out? I have homework and a cat."

Truth be told, I wasn't a hundred percent sure why I didn't want to go out with him. I wasn't sure what was going to happen with this relationship. Where would we go from here? I was going to get pulled away from my life here, and while I didn't have much, it was all I knew. What would happen when we got to Mount Olympus.

I was slowly coming around to Gods existing, but I was not ready to accept starting a new life with one.

"What if you get to choose what we do? Then would you go out with me?"

I looked at Eros, and he was staring intently at me. His blue eyes bore into me, and I knew I didn't have a choice. "Fine."

"Yes!" Eros shouted, and he fist pumped. A Greek God literally fist-pumped because he got to go out with me. It was kind of an ego booster. He even had the audacity to get a little pink around his cheeks when he saw me staring at his display.

"We are going to the arcade," I told him. I couldn't even hide my smile. "But we are currently in the middle of fucking nowhere so we're going to have to travel a bit. There's one about forty-five minutes from here."

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