Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Nothing happened.

Literally nothing.

It had been a month, and zip. Nada. Nothing.

I was fairly convinced I had dreamed it all. Nothing more than a fever dream brought on by spiked coffee and some bad weed. I just had a bad trip.

I was trying very hard to convince myself, at least.

I sighed, and tried to focus on the computer in front of me. The hotel was always fairly slow at night time, but I had just checked in four people. It wasn't unusual, but I had a bad feeling about the man in the back with the greasy hair. It wasn't unusual to get some creeps, but it always sent a shiver down my spine when I was alone. I've had my fair share of awkward and uncomfortable encounters, but it never got easier.

My eyes were getting heavy. It was just past 3, almost at the end of my shift. Nothing a gulp of coffee couldn't fix though. Coffee seemed to make my vision clear enough to focus on my English paper, and I managed to start the concluding paragraph... but I would have to revise it. In a desperate attempt to get all the information on paper, I used the word 'bitch' and 'fuck' more than a few times. They just seemed to flow out of me, verbally and written.

I couldn't finish the essay before the front door of the hotel opened, much to my disappointment. It was due by the end of the next day, and for once, I wasn't finishing it fifteen minutes before class. It was a new record.

The man that interrupted me was beautiful... in a weird way.

His dark blonde hair fell in soft waves to his shoulders, and his eyes were a brilliant shade of light blue. The dim lighting of the hotel lobby still managed to bounce off his cheekbones, and I couldn't help but stare.

Despite his good looks, my stomach began churning. It wasn't a cold shiver that went down my spine, but one of anticipation. Something big was going to happen... and I wasn't sure it was a good thing.

"How can I help you? Do you need directions?" I debated telling him we were completely booked, but if he decided to come back later for a room, I could get fired. Hinting at him leaving, however, wasn't means to get me fired.

"I'd like to book a room," he said, and moved closer to the desk. It was a graceful, slow walk, and it was hard to look away from. It was almost like he was floating.

"When would you like to check out?" I opened up the booking program and began putting in the information. I didn't want to be caught staring at him so instead, I focused intently on the computer.

"I think I'm going to be staying a while."



The man smiled- no, it was too cocky to be a simple smile. It was a fucking smirk, and my stomach dropped.

"Eros," he paused, and I froze. "But you may know me as Cupid."

Oh shit.

There was a pregnant pau se in which I stared at him. It was like I couldn't move despite how much I wanted to. Eventually, the man raised an eyebrow. "You're going to catch flies."

The moment was over, and I closed my mouth. "Sorry, we're all booked. In fact, I think your best bet is a hotel on the other side of the state." I began backing into the back office. "Or maybe there's an open room on the other side of the country. You'd be more comfortable there. People would like you there. They're real into love and shit. You'd like it. No, you'd love it! Hah! Get it? Cupid? Love?"

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