Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

For the next few days, the freaky floating man never showed up again, and I was beginning to breathe sighs of relief. Maybe I really did just dream it all.

I attended all my classes, did my homework when I was supposed to be manning the front desk at the hotel, and cuddled with my cat while playing Undertale, just like I always did. Everything was normal. Still, I couldn't completely convince myself that everything was okay.

Of course, my favorite method of coping is to completely ignore the issue and hope it goes away, and I was putting that method to use. But the universe hates me, so that didn't work for long.

It happened in the same class. Maybe that freaky man had a thing for my ancient as shit English teacher... if he was into that kind of thing. Me? Not so much.

I dropped my book bag, because I swear to god I was dropped on my head as a child and it messed up my equilibrium for eternity, and as I attempted to pick up the three hundred-pound books off the ground, everyone else left the classroom. Of fricking course they couldn't sense the fact that I needed some fucking help.

"You need to come with me."

The words were simple, but the urgency behind them scared the shit out of me more than the fact that the floating man was back.

"No way, bitch." I stood up. I didn't need those books that bad anyway. Let's be honest, they would probably still be in the classroom the next time I needed them anyway. To be safe though, I kicked them under the counter at the side of the classroom, partially for safekeeping, but also so I had nothing to trip over as I made an escape from the classroom.

"You can't keep running."

"I don't have the best stamina, but you can bet your ass I'm gonna try my fucking hardest to get away from you," I told him. I positioned myself into what I thought could have passed for a casual running start, and hoped he didn't notice. "Besides, where did you get your lines from? Some grade B horror movie?" I didn't tell him the fact that he scared the crap out of me anyway.

The man wasn't floating today, and he took a step towards me. Gone were his gold sandals, and instead, he wore some Nike sneakers... matched with camouflage shorts and a red shirt. He was a train wreck.

"Look, I just need to talk to you," he said. As he took a step forward, I took one back, and he wisely stopped where he stood.

"No way, bitch." For some reason, I just kept calling him bitch. It just came out.

"My name is Alcibiades."

"Bless you."

The worried look he gave me became one of pure annoyance, and somehow it put me more at ease. Not only did I get that face a lot, but if I annoyed him a lot, hopefully he wouldn't kidnap me.

"The only way I'll talk to you is in the very, very crowded school cafeteria," I told him. My stomach rumbled. "And you have to buy me some mac and cheese... and a pepsi."

His face once again smoothed, and though my heart was pounding, I wanted to figure out how the fuck to get this guy to go away. I just wanted to graduate college, man. And maybe smoke some weed every now and then. And get a job with computers somewhere. Maybe even for a meteorite to fall and hit Duncan in his face. I didn't ask for much, not really, yet this guy was fucking everything up.

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