Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was growing increasingly comfortable with Eros, and I wasn't too happy about it. It made it more difficult to keep a safe distance from him.

He was going to leave eventually. And, despite was he told me, I wasn't going with him.

Those thoughts were shoved to the back of my mind, and instead I focused on the face that Eros was sleeping on my tiny couch. It was nearly comical how he dwarfed it. His neck looked uncomfortably tilted to the side, and his legs were hanging halfway over the other. Drool was also starting to gather at the corner of his mouth, and his hair was a bird's nest on top of his head.

Eros was sleeping there for hours now, and while I felt a bit bad for the inevitable back ache he was going to experience, I also took more than a few pictures of him.

For blackmail purposes, of course.

Sassy was slowly creeping closer to him, and I knew she was about to wreak havoc. But alas, I was buried under piles of homework and essays, and honestly, it was time for him to wake up. If he didn't wake up soon, he was going to completely screw up his sleeping schedule... and I also wanted to see him suffer Sassy's wrath.

She paced on the ground by his feet, and soon jumped onto his legs. He didn't seem bothered. A small snuffle was the only sound to escape his mouth, but as she walked over his body, Asher knew he would soon be awoken.

He was right.

Sassy pounced on Eros' face, and he immediately shot up, and Sassy ran off at the disturbance. A look of pouty disgruntlement sat on Eros' face, and Asher couldn't help but laugh. That was probably one of the most adorable faces he had ever seen.

"You! You let her do this!" An accusing finger was pointed at Asher.

"Me? I didn't let her do anything. Sassy is an independent woman; she makes her own decisions."

Eros rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile on his lips. He stretched a bit, and Asher's eyes definitely didn't stare at the small line of torso visible when he did.


No way.

"So, what are we doing today?" Eros asked. "You have to entertain me, I'm you're guest."

Asher snorted. "You're going back to the hotel. You're only staying here because we were sold out for the night. You're not really my guest, you're like that stray cat I let in to keep her from getting cold that one night."

"I bet you treated that cat better than you treated me."

Asher shrugged. At least that cat had a bed... and a place to stay. Honestly, Asher left his window open most of the time in case the cat needed somewhere warm to sleep. Sassy didn't mind too much. She was the alpha cat, and the other, the one that Asher had secretly named Tibbits, knew it.

"But really, we don't know each other that well. I don't feel entirely comfortable yet with staying in the same place as you."

"Yet! You said yet!" Eros cheered, and Asher ignored the flutter in his stomach.

Asher rolled his eyes, but a small smile grew on his lips.

"What if we made a bet?" Eros asked. He stood and walked to the side of Asher's chair to sit on the arm slowly. Asher rolled his eyes again. The dumbass was trying to make a dramatic pause, but the cheerful smirk on his face kind of ruined it.

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