Chapter 2: The Port Mafia

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Inside the Port Mafia base, there are currently four executives. Dazai Osamu is one of them. Each executive had their members-own "subordinates" if you will.

There was an eerie silence.

A person is walking in the fog of the silence and into the heart of the Port Mafia organization.

Sakunosuke Oda.

He is also gifted. His ability, Flawless, allows him to see into the future. So far, he's the only person in this world to have an ability at his level. No one who tried to kill him succeeded; he is one of Dazai Osamu's subordinates.

With his hands in the pocket of his jeans, Sakunosuke, or, as other people close to him like to call him, Odasaku, walks towards the cabin inside the building of which the Port Mafia boss was living.

Ogai Mori was with the two new members of the Mafia, including Dazai. Morgai had called in Oda to tell him an assignment. The assignment?

" I'd like for you to help me infiltrate an organization called Mimic," Mori ordered. " Mimic?" Oda tried to reconfirm. "Yes," Mori replied. " Mimic."

Hearing this, Fyodor's expression stiffened. Dazai secretly examined Fyodor. In the first place, Dazai could not trust him at all. Right when he was walking beside the Yokohama river.

Morgai and Odasaku continued their conversation.

" Beside me are two new ability users that Dazai-Kun here recruited," Morgai said, explaining Fyodor and Chuuya's presence.

" Why do you want me to spy on them?" Odasaku asked. " Because it's an illegal organization that entered Japan with the help of another, unknown underground party," Morgai explained. Oda thought for a while.

An underground organization that even the T.U.N. can't keep track of? He thought. Morgai smiled as if he understood Odasaku's thoughts. " Indeed. The T.U.N. can't keep track of them. Every time the underground police force comes to raid their base, they won't find Mimic. That organization is known for erasing their tracks every time they move." Hearing this, Odasaku was baffled. All four of them were — even Dazai Osamu, who's currently running his third year in the Mafia.

Mimic is a ghost.

Fyodor wanders in the base of the Port Mafia trying to capture what Morgai had just said. The T.U.N. can't keep track of them. Every time the underground police force comes to raid their base, they won't find Mimic.

Fyodor stopped. He grinned.

Uncontrollably, he laughed. He laughed so hard that his laughs could be echoed throughout the entire base. But fortunately, another Port Mafia executive heard his laughter and walked up to him. The woman is wearing a pink kimono and holds an umbrella. She placed her hand on Fyodor's shoulder, and that made him turn around in shock. The woman made a comforting smile.

Koyo Ozaki. Ability: Golden Demon. Her ability appears only when she commands it. Usually to help her eradicate her enemies.

" Fyodor-Kun, am I right?" She asked.

Fyodor nodded.

" Yes," he said, still shocked by her sudden touch.

She faded her smile. Fyodor, frightened by the thought of her knowledge of his plans, still looked terrified. Koyo turned her lips the closest that she could and whispered in his ear,

" Your laughs are too loud."


Odasaku, walking with Dazai in Yokohama's china-town, still looked confused.

Mimic. An organization that even The Underground Press can't also catch up is what Morgai-dono said. But how? How did they clear out their previous residences so quickly? Who is their- " Odasaku-Kun?" Dazai asked curiously. - Leader? Is not like anyone would have an ability to move his people in an instant. Ability? Ability! Maybe that's how! Perhaps that's how Mimic was able to clear out quickly! The leader must have a unique ability that allows him to-


Odasaku jumped.

" What is it, Dazai-san?" Odasaku sighed.

" You were in deep thought again, you always do that," Dazai smiled. Ever since they became best friends, Dazai has been continually observing Odasaku. As his first best friend, he's been continuously trying to get new information on Oda from the start of their friendship, even though Odasaku is casually a loner.

Odasaku never wanted to have a friend.

But, as it's a Port Mafia Executive, Odasaku didn't want to die. However, Dazai's suicidal tendencies at first shocked him. He wasn't used to it, but as time went on, he began to see it as some formality.

" Why did you bring me along with you?" Dazai continued his question. " I want to talk together with Ango again. It's been years," Odasaku replied. " Ango-Kun, huh," Dazai mumbled.

Ango Sakaguchi. Ability: Discourse on Decadence. His ability is to find out in a flash how a criminal escaped. Ango Sakaguchi was another friend of Dazai's. The bar, Lupin, is usually their favorite hangouts. Lupin is the place that Odasaku was talking about.

" But Odasaku. Morgai has given you a job, to infiltrate Mimic, and to kill the leader." " But I need more evidence." Dazai smiled.

"Of course."

Chuuya Nakahira was still inside the base, thinking about his previous organization. Shirase must be mad, he thought.

Walking away from Fryodor's laugh was Koyo. She spotted Chuuya and walked up to him.

" Chuuya-Kun, is it?"

Chuuya looked up at Koyo. The face was comforting to him.

" Yes," he replied. She smiled.

" Still thinking about your Sheep, right?"

Chuuya looked surprised and said, " How do you know?"

" How old are you?"

Chuuya blushed. " 18," he answered. Koyo smiled.

" I'm 22. I've seen far more things than you. I've lost more things than you. I've killed more people than you." " Why are you telling me this?"

" Because I want to let you forget about your previous organization, the Sheep."

Chuuya was in shock. How could he ever willing to forget his previous comrades? Shirase, Yuzu, all of it. He wanted to ignore it. But now that Koyo said it, it didn't seem right to him. Somehow.

" Not yet," responded Chuuya. Koyo sighed in disappointment," Understood."

Chuuya ran away again. He needed some confrontation in which he knew that nobody could give him. Dazai was surprised that Chuuya Nakahira quit his role in the Sheep. Chuuya wondered why he ever did that in the first place.

Chuuya needs some time alone. Nobody could erase the confusion inside him.

With all the new ability users in confusion or shock, Mori's plan is now going to fail. He recruited them in case the " upcoming conflict" was about to happen. He could sense it. He could be wrong, but...

When were any of my decisions been wrong? 

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