Chapter 5: Naoko Murakami.

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Andre Gide, Naoko Murakami, Shirase, and Yuzu walked towards the suburbs of Yokohama, avoiding transportation at all costs. 

"I like walking," Naoko blankly said. Andre gave a reassuring expression to her that they would keep walking until the end of the line. Andre wondered. 

How can an eighteen-year-old girl like her have an ability like this? And, furthermore, how can she control it so quickly?

Naoko kept on walking, but she noticed Andre's expression. "Is everything alright, Gide-san?" "Now, you don't have to call me Andre-san. Andre will do.' Naoko nodded. It was just six days ago, on a Saturday, that they met.

Andre was still wandering around the streets; it was a bit over a week since the Lupin incident with Chuuya. He was begging for scraps. Anything to fill him.


With the Mafia and the S.A.D. cashing after him, it wouldn't be wise to go back to his place. After all, the S.A.D. had someone with the ability to track down ability-using-criminals. Andre Gide was all by himself. Nobody was there to comfort him; nobody was there to care for him.

But when there was nobody, there was Naoko.


Her parents died while the Mafia were hunting down any retired Mafia members. Her father and mother were both members of the old Port Mafia before Mori killed the previous boss. 

Naoko was present at a ceremony at which, to honor those who lost someone during the Mafia Riots, orphans and random people in need were given hospitality. But once Naoko Murakami was up to present herself, Mori sensed that she had an ability, so he took her in. But, unfortunately, the girl was too weak at that time. Her parents had just died, and she was only twelve. She was too shocked to grasp reality. She had failed Mori as an ability user.

"Hirotsu, take her out."

"But what about the ceremony? She was a victim and-"

"If a person can't control his or her ability, that person fails as a human overall."

"Understood, boss."

Hirotsu led her out.

She still remembers that day. The day where she that she failed as a human. She packed her things and left. The streets were her home now.

Years had passed, and she kept on seeing the same people on the streets. People started to care for her. Naoko had a name for herself. The Wandering Girl. The streets are packed with people who were almost like her, abandoned, destitute; except that they didn't have an ability. She had made some friends, but eventually, those friends went away. Moved to another city. Years and years passed. People came and went. As the years went by, she practiced using her ability.

Untill she was eighteen.

"Who are you?" Naoko questioned. Andre sighed. A random, teenage girl just found him in the middle of nowhere. He smiled.

"Andre Gide. Nice to meet you."


"This is the place, huh."

Andre and Naoko reached the Sheep's hideout. Many eyes were glaring at the newcomers/unofficial members of the Sheep. Shirase grunted. 

"This is the Sheep's hideout. All of our members are teenagers. We're all around the same age as Naoko over there. Now, what do you want with us? You haven't even told me that."

The entire Sheep raised guns.

Andre scoffed. "I want to talk about our mutual acquaintance, Nakahara Chuuya."

Shirase looked stunned. "What about him? A man named Dazai Osamu came months ago and took him away. Before he left, Chuuya-san gave the title of leader to me. I appointed Yuzu here as my second-in-command. There's nothing more to say about that ex-sheep member,"

 Andre walked towards Shirase. "What about that hate?"

A gust of wind came hurling towards the base.

"The hate is mutual. The hate of Chuuya. That's what brought us together. Two weeks ago, I made an incident that could've made Chuuya out of the Mafia, but the leader still took him in because of his ability." Andre looked at Naoko. "Naoko here, however, got kicked out of the Mafia Ceremony when the Mafia Riots happened. You all remember that, right? She hates him too." Shirase looked serious.

"So you want us to team up? We were about to find you later before all of this happened."

"SO you will team up with me?"

"With me as the leader."

There was a long silence.

"Very well. Shirase here will lead us in the rebellion against the Port Mafia. We will begin on Sunday during dawn. God be with us all," and with that, Andre left Shirase as the leader. The mission is in play. Andre and Naoko have joined the Sheep. The Attack on the Port Mafia. Sunday, 6:00 am.


Chuuya went to the Mafia base to confirm his pact with Morgai.

"Chuua-kun. You've made up your decision?" Chuuya nodded. Morgai grinned. "Welcome to the governing party of the Mafia, Chuuya-kun. Despite your accident at Lupin, the other members of the Mafia have agreed to ignore it. In other words, you're free." 

Chuuya scoffed. "It's that easy, huh?" 

Mori smiled. "Yes. Koyo here will be your guide."

Chuuya made an expression as if he wanted to thank her. After all, she made a short speech about herself concerning his decision. "I understand, Mori-san." 

Mori smiled again. "It seems that you're officially in. I welcome you again to the Port Mafia."


Saturday. 7:00pm. T-11 hours.

Naoko is slowly preparing anything that she could think of for the attack on the Mafia. One day has passed, and there has been little progress. The Sheep were fortifying their base if, in the worse-case, the Mafia attacked. Compared to the Sheep, the Port Mafia has more ability users, and in this world, ability users are essential to surviving a confrontation. So far, the Sheep only knows Andre Gide's ability to predict the future up until his death. Naoko hasn't shown her genuine ability to the Sheep. Shirase only knows that she could make people go unconscious. Andre suddenly appeared in front of Naoko. She stood up.

"No need for that," Andre responded. "I'm just here making sure that you're prepared."

 Naoko looked confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

 Andre placed his hand on his shoulder. "Just don't die." Naoko nodded. Andre grinned.

"Mafia, prepare yourselves."

Sunday. 5:50 am.

Andre dragged Shirase along the field, down the hill of the Sheep base.

Shirase struggled, and Yuzu followed the two down the hill.

Naoko walked beside Andre to the frontlines.

Nakahara Chuuya was waiting.

When Andre was close to the Mafia, he stopped, and forcibly stood Shirase up. "Never do that again-"

Shirase saw Chuuya. Shirase laughed.

"How long has it been, traitor?"

"A month," Chuuya replied. Shirase scoffed.

6:00 am.

The wind grew more burdensome as the war drew closer. The sheep versus the Port Mafia. Dazai stood beside Chuuya and started to wonder,

Is this the 'Upcoming conflict' that Morgai-san was talking about? 

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