Chapter 3: Lupin (Part The Second).

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The place is Yokohama's Chinatown. Nothing unusual happens around here, but recently, there is a white weretiger that residents nearby Chinatown have been talking about. They say that the tiger has been nothing but a nuisance, ravaging small marketplaces, destroying public property. The police over there mostly ignore people's complaints about the weretiger, but one person is still on the case.

Ango Sakaguchi.

" So how does your tiger hunt been doing?" Asked Odasaku.

They caught up to him while he was scouting another marketplace that was ravaged by the tiger.

" Same old," replied Ango. He turned around to the both of them and straightened his glasses. He was trying to get as to why both of them were there. To friendly mock him? To ask a favor to him again? He couldn't get a clue. Both of them are too hard for him to read in his eyes. His ability is useless if it's not a criminal's path that he's reading. After a long time in silence, he murmured the two of them a question.

" Why are you here, Odasaku-kun, Dazai-san?"

" To ask you for a favor!" Dazai Osamu answered. Odasaku nodded. Ango sighed. What is it this time? He thought. Dazai smiled as he said, " We need more information on the organization known as Mimic." Ango widened his eyes and covered Dazai's lips as quick as possible. Odasaku was also shocked by Ango's action.

" Not here!" Ango whispered in Dazai's ear.

Dazai tried to say something, but Ango's hand was still on his lips. The police guards looked at the three of them and wondered if he had indeed told the name. Then, they looked away to their business. Ango finally lifted his handoff.

" Not in public," Ango explained. " Don't say that organization's name out there. We need a secret place to talk about it if you're willing." " Why?" Dazai asked. " Because the whole police force is looking for them, but I only want my group to be the one who catches them."

Dazai grinned.

Lupin is not opened during the day, so the three ability users walked around Yokohama.

" How's Case 016 coming?" Odasaku asked again.

" Why do you want to know?"

" Because we're friends," Dazai replied, smiling. Ango sighed.

" I've discovered that the tiger is not a regular tiger. It's an ability. The person inside of that tiger may not know that he or she's destroying public property." A policeman caught up to Ango, panting. After a while, he murmured something and handed him a brown-colored folder which had " Case 016: Solved." written on it.

Somebody had figured out the weretiger case.

The case that troubled the police force and Ango's group had suddenly come to an end. But the bad thing is that the tiger can't reverse to its human form.

Locked up in its cage, the tiger struggled. The pubic citizens came from afar to witness this new form of the tiger that was an ability. After a while, the government of Yokohama couldn't handle the public anymore, so they allowed Dazai to turn No Longer Human on. Dazai touched the tiger, and the tiger dissolved. The people and the press started to leave one by one. The tiger turned out to be a male human. The boy was still unconscious, so the trio decided to go to the bar.

" So Case 016 is finally solved," Dazai said. " Yes," Ango replied, " But who could've given the boy such an ability? The boy was given an ability. He wasn't born with it." Ango gave the information folder to Dazai. " And who told the police that the tiger was an ability? I didn't tell anyone at all. I've kept it to myself." Odasaku peeked at the information that Dazai hold. At the bottom, it said the name.

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