Chapter 8: The First Mission.

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" It was sad to see Ango Sakaguchi pass, but someone helped us, that's the most important part. Isn't it, Ivan?" Fyodor acknowledged the unknown person's work.

" Did the anonymous person knew of our plans, or did he have a grudge on Ango?" Ivan stepped up. " Maybe he knew?"

" Maybe he knew? No. That's impossible. The only ability users that I know of that have some thinking ability are Dazai-kun and Mori-san." Fyodor crossed out that idea.

Oguri, ability: The Perfect Crime, came to Fyodor Dostoevsky. " So, you're leaving me to fight in the final event?" Fyodor smiled,

" Yes." he replied. Oguri sighed.

" We were supposed to kill Ango. But I'm sure that somebody else will take over for the dead man. Do you know who, Fyodor?" The man with the hat shook his head. Oguri sighed again.

" The S.A.D. will surely rise again..."


Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya arrived that the head-quarters of the Special Abilities Division. Dazai lowered his head and saw Angos dead body on the floor. He frowned. Chuuya looked at Dazai and felt sympathy.

" Was Ango a good friend?"

"An excellent friend, indeed," Dazai replied. Blood still began to spread. It reached Dazai's black shoes. Dazai took a step back. " Ango. You were a good friend, Ango. The Special Abilities Division will rise again. I promise on my life," Dazai turned, and the police department came in. Chuuya stood there, watching Dazai leave and the police arriving.

" I promise."

A woman with gloves and green hair came into Dazai's view. Tsujimura Mizuki. Ability: Yesterday's Shadow Tag. Her ability allows her to control baby shadows made by herself. She also saw Angos dead body.

" He's gone, huh..."

" Yes. He is." Dazai replied.

Tsujimura turned and looked at the young Dazai. " Who are you?" Dazai holds out his hand.

" Dazai Osamu of the Port Mafia." Tsujimura smiled. " Ah, Dazai Osamu. Ango has told me about you, the man with the bandages. And you?" she looked at Chuuya.

" Nakahara Chuuya. The guy responsible for Lupin's downfall." Tsujimura looked at Chuuya. " Ango has told me about you too. The cause of the war between the Sheep and the Port Mafia. Happy anniversary."

Tsujimura waved her hand at Chuuya while she walked away from him. " With the police and my ability, we can find out who the culprit of this murder in no time," she smiled. " We must avenge Ango's death, should we not?" Tsujimura questioned the two men. Dazai was the first one to speak. " We shall." Tsujimura grinned happily.

" Then I, Tsujimura Mizuki, shall take over the Special Abilities Division in replace of Ango senpai, and will avenge his death. Dazai, chuuya," the two of them looked at the woman with green hair.

" I look forward to working with you." she smiled.

Funeral. A Sunday. All of the Special Abilities Division and the Port Mafia members attended his funeral. Tsujimura stood by Dazai. The two friends shared their grievances.

After a short while, it was time for Dazai to speak. It started raining.

" Ango was a dear friend of mine. I, Dazai Osamu, got introduced to him when I first came into the Mafia, unaware of his betrayal of that time. If it were not for Chuuya-kun, I think that we of the Port Mafia would still have a traitor in our mists today, at this very moment. But now, at this very moment, we are serving Ango Sakaguchi's funeral.

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