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"can you hurry up?"
i heard him scream, but i decided to ignore it and take my time.

"what is taking you so long? we're going to be late again!" he shouted again making me even more irritated.

i sat there and took a deep breath clearing my mind with horrible thoughts.

i flipped the egg on its side and waited for it to be done.

again i heard him shout, but i choose to ignore it.

i am used to it—
i am used to him rushing me to make him breakfast every morning before school.

it has been like this for the longest to the point it doesn't bother me anymore.

it's our final year of school before we graduate.

at this point it really doesn't matter if we show up on time for school.

i grabbed the plate from the top shelf and sat it on the counter, i waited a few seconds before placing the egg on the plate.

i quickly ran over to the toaster which had two pieces of bread sitting there for the past three minutes.

i had one hand to place one on his plate, while i had to use my other hand to hold the other plate and cups of coffee.

i grabbed the other piece of toast with my mouth before walking out.

i walked over to the eating area and placed the plates down.

i slid over a plate and a cup of coffee to taehyung.
as i sat down and waited for the criticism i was going to get.

i took a sip of coffee while i waited as if nothing else was new.

taehyung placed his phone down next to his plate.

he looked over at it and scrunched his nose.

"what is this?" he said in a very agitated tone.

i rolled my eyes and stood up.

he stared at it before getting up and rolling his eyes annoyed.

i went to the fridge to get the butter and sat down.

i opened the container while glaring at taehyung.

"tsk...you expect me to eat this?" he furrowed his eyebrows and made his shoulders tense before standing up and leaning on the table staring down at me.

i dropped everything and just sat there crossing my arms and legs.

taehyung grabbed his plate and went over to the garbage can to throw it out.

...the glass plate and all.

i heard it shatter as it fell and hit the bottom of the trash can.

"you asshole." i said angrily.

taehyung looked over smirking, as i stood up annoyed.

"looks like i have to eat at the cafeteria for breakfast again" taehyung sighed as he pulled his hair back exposing his forehead.

i gave a dry laugh
"you think it's funny? " i said very arrogantly.

taehyung looked over at me causing a scene.

"you seriously are going to sit there and throw away perfectly cooked food, just cause you didn't like it?"

he laughed under his breath turning around.

"don't you understand how many people in the world are dying of starvation, who don't have food to eat huh?, that one egg would've been enough to feed them for a week!"

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