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i got out of the car while texting wheein i was in the parking lot.

we usually meet up on campus to just talk before walking into class.

once i finished texting her i turned around and saw taehyung already walking off.

me and wheein met during my walk to school.

we both walked into english class and sat down.

i opened my textbook and studied the words, while trying to pronounce them.

not a minute later i saw jimin sit in his seat in front of me.

he turned around and greeted both me and wheein.

we greeted him back.

considering the fact that both jimin and taehyung are friends surprises me as they are complete opposites.

with completely different personalities.

jimin is always the nice caring type and would always ask about me and wheein about our day.

and as for taehyung he basically can care less about us.

me and wheein talked to jimin for a while before taehyung walked in.

jimin turned his head around as we stopped talking.

taehyung sat down in front of wheein.

i faced my head back to my desk and continued reading.

jimin knows i hate taehyung—
more than i could possibly ever hate anyone.

he would usually give advice to me like wheein sometimes does.

he tells me different sides of taehyung and about how stubborn he is.

saying "it will all work out in the end."

the best advice i took from him was "he is still like a child that gets angry and annoyed, so just be patient."


the final school bell rang.

me and wheein quickly packed up are things and rushed out of school.

i asked if wheein wanted to study at the coffee shop.

since she agreed i had to rush to the car first before taehyung does or else he would end up taking the car home.

i ran across the silky wet grass since it rained earlier.

my shoes were getting wet along with my socks.

wheein knew about having to run to the car to be able to go to places after school, since we have done this five times.

only two times we have successfully made it.
the others happened because of some "issues".

once i fell on a big rock and sliced my knee.

the other one wheein bumped into a student really hard that they both fell to the floor hard.

and the other time was because it was raining really hard and we didn't have an umbrella to see clear, and ended up slipping in the mud.

we finally made it to the car, but before my hand touched the handle the car started up.

and before i could even move the car drove off.

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