Chapter 5. Space, traveling from Junit

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Tyler: Human

Jirabi's laugh boomed across the room as he slapped his hand against his knee. Bai had just told a joke at the end of the team meeting, but apparently only Jirabi got it.

All five of them sat in their ship's comfortable lounge room as they traveled to Gnumus, where the Circuit's Mothership orbited. They had left the planet of Junit the day before and it would only take them a couple of days before they reached the ship to talk with the Queen Circuit.

"EkirBai," laughed Jirabi once he caught his breath, "you are undeniably the funniest Quibeek I have ever met." He wiped the tears from his eyes as he chuckled.

"Its not that hard to do, it turns out lizards don't have much of a sense of humor." Said Bai, her face beaming from the compliment. She grinned at Tyler who was the only one of the group who actually knew what a lizard was.

Jirabi wiped the tears from his eyes again. "Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed working with team nine. But I've only been here in team seven for two days and I feel like I've known you guys for years!"

"You're part of the team now, Malba. I'm glad that you feel comfortable here." Said Byralnus with a warm smile.

"Yes welcome to the family!" Smiled Tyler welcomingly.

"Again, I thank you." Jirabi replied. "I look forward to serving with each of you in the many missions to come."

Jirabi had definitely warmed up to the team quickly. Tyler liked the purple Kelpar, he was going to be very beneficial to the team.

"Alas," Said Byralnus, standing up, "it is time for me to turn in. And I would encourage each of you to do the same. Though we have a couple more days until we reach the Circuit ship, we need to keep a decent schedule and stay well rested for us to perform at our highest on this mission. Goodnight everyone."

Everyone wished him goodnight and he left the room.

"Anybody up for a game?" asked Bai, looking around at each of them.

"Actually, I'm going to sleep now as well." Said the large Jirabi with a yawn. "It's been a fairly eventful couple of days for me and I am exhausted. But thank you for inviting me. Bai, Tyler, Heva." He nodded at each of them and stood up to leave.

"That's fine dear, have a nice sleep." Said Bai with a smile as she watched him leave.

Then she turned towards Tyler and frowned. "Well I don't see a point in staying up if muscles isn't going to be here." She whispered. "No offense to you two."

Tyler rolled her eyes.

Bai laughed and got up. "Night Tyler, night Heva." She smiled as she headed for her bedroom.

"Goodnight, Bai." Said Tyler.

It was just her and Heva in the room now. The small blue ball with the tall feather protruding from her head sat in a chair near the corner of the room. She seemed to be staring off into space.

Tyler had never really been able to get much of a conversation out of the Terilli, and no matter how hard she tried to include the girl in with the group activities, Heva just never got into it. It seemed like she preferred to be with the group, but not a part of it.

Tyler picked up her hairbrush that was on a stand next to her and moved over to Heva.

The little blue ball looked almost tense as Tyler sat down in the chair next to hers.

"So what do you think about this mission?" Asked Tyler as she commenced brushing her hair.

She liked to brush her golden hair. The locks were one of the few things Tyler really treasured.

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