Chapter 53. Gnumus

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Hud: Pardos

Hud gasped for air as he pushed his bruised body back up off of the ground of the large cavern. The gigantic metallic beast crept towards him, grinning menacingly.

Why the hell was Hud even here??

When he had blasted a hole through to the cave, he had been shocked to find the team of aliens he had first encountered on Gnumus (or what was left of them) including the Natilliea look alike. He was even more surprised to find a huge, vile-looking metallic creature part way through killing all of them.

He didn't know what he was doing. Hud owed nothing to these beings. But he knew the giant machine had to die.

"Come on... come on..." Growled Hud as the gigantic creature slowly moved towards him. "I don't have all day, you ugly piece of shit..."

Holding his side in pain he transformed Natilliea into a small flare gun.

Natilliea hummed with the excitement of the fight. She was enjoying this, a lot. But Hud was about done for. He wouldn't be able to move fast enough to dodge any more of the thing's attacks. It seemed like the monster had begun to notice his increasingly slowing movements.

He figured he could make just one last shot before he was out of the game.

"I don't know who you are, green thing," growled the insect-like demon, it's voice like the clashing of metal, "but feel welcome to join the list of growing casualties!" Laughed the beast.

"Your face is on the list of growing casualties..." Muttered Hud.

Not one of his best retorts, but he didn't care at this point.

He quickly raised Natilliea and pulled her trigger.

The flare blasted out and shrieked right up to the face of the mechanical monster, smashing itself straight into the creature's eye.

Just where Natilliea wanted it to go.

The monster screeched in pain as the flare pulsated with intense light.

The creature made a blinded attempt to get Hud, but only managed to smash into him, flinging him to the ground a few feet away.

Hud's head slammed against the stone ground. Natilliea fell out of his hands and skidded out of reach, quickly folding herself back to her cylindrical, powerless form.

Hud raised his pain filled head to look for where Natilliea went, but his eyes were having a hard time focusing.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see the blonde female Human reach down and grab Natilliea.

Hud growled. "Give her to me!" He pushed himself off the ground. His skin was lacerated and bruised; he could also feel a couple of broken ribs, maybe a broken leg. Stars started to flash in his eyes and his vision began to tunnel darkly.

Hud couldn't keep himself upright. He tripped over his achy body and fell again to the hard ground.

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