Chapter 36. Deep space, unknown location

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(Happy April first you guys! I don't have any tricks for you, just another chapter! Above; some music to listen to while you read. Enjoy!)

Hud: Pardos

He had been traveling for several days straight until finally reaching the location in the message. After dumping the Circuit back onto Gnumus, he set his freighter in the direction of the coordinates.

The coordinates had led him to this ominous behemoth of a ship.

It was unlike anything that Hud had ever seen before.

It was much larger than Hud's Rapiki freighter. It looked like a large, two-bladed wheel, with the blades curling around the circumference of the ship's circular center.

The entire ship was in continuous motion, and even as it latched onto Hud's ship, it spun slowly. It looked oddly similar to a small, two-armed spiral galaxy, but metallic and smooth.

There was no turning back for Hud at this point. If he wanted to leave, it was by their will and not his.

Suddenly there was an ethereal voice that made Hud jump is surprise.

"Hudaryous," called the smooth voice eerily from the alien ship's intercom system. "Please join us." The voice beckoned firmly.

He was sitting in the pilot seat of his ship as the port door opened against his will. In filed several towering, armored aliens; ducking in though the doorway as they entered.

They were carrying what looked like weapons, though they did not aim at Hud. Instead they stepped off to the side awaiting a superior to walk through the middle.

Hud got up from his seat. He had never seen this species before. They were all about the same height, standing several lengths taller than Hud. Each of them only barely fit inside Hud's ship. From their torso down they seemed to be gowned in a thick black material that covered them like a long draping skirt.

Hud could see no feet or legs that made contact with the ground. It seemed as though the creatures moved by hovering hauntingly over the floor.

Their chests were covered in a dark grey metallic sphere with no indentation. Their thin arms protruded from near the top of the sphere with long bony fingers that curled around their weapons. Their circular, featureless faces were dark and hidden by a large hood they wore over their heads, and through the darkness two eyes glowed a shimmering, unblinking yellow light.

After the initial group finished lining along the sides, another alien glided though the middle accompanied with two more armed guards. The superior, Hud supposed.

"Hello Hudaryous." Said the creature calmly, hovering smoothly to the front of the ship where Hud was standing. It was the same voice from before. It's voice was melodic and clean like a musical instrument. "Do you mind if we have a chat?"

Hud snarled. "I have better places to be. Is this for the Rhaa business?"

"I'm sure you do, and yes it is." The creature said warmly. "Come with me."

Two of the armed beings surrounded Hud and nudged him forward. The main creature twisted around and began floating back through the port where it came.

"Are you going to tell me what this is all about?" Frowned Hud, reluctantly following behind the being.

"That is precisely what I want to chat about Hudaryous. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm glad we are on the same page."

Hud frowned. The alien wanted to talk in private for some reason. He followed the floating creature to the entrance of his ship, walking through the rows of guards and then finally stepping into the alien's large spiraling ship.

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