Chapter 59. Letters of power

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Some letters of power, for the believers:

1. My beloved friends. The end of the reality we know is near.
2. I wish to address one final concept before I end my series of epistles.
3. Our ancestors were raised on the belief that we as a species are slaves.
4. They believed that the only way to live was to serve another being. They had given up! Consigned to their miserable fate. But we cannot blame them; it was the only thing they knew!
5. I tell you that I have seen our future and that we are not slaves. Far from it!
6. I saw the Bovase race rise up in might among the other species of the Pentaverse. Our lives were glorious, and we were crowned and garnished with unimaginable power!
7. They, the beings outside of this world, they know not our species yet. But do not let this cast discourage on your minds.
8. Instead, let us use this to our advantage! Let us take them by surprise as we rise up from the gutter's shadow! That same gutter that our father's fathers were raised in!
9. They will know our names. For how will a being not know the names of the gods he worships?
10. Rise up. Refuse to sit on this rotting planet, waiting shapeless for your small moment in the light.
10. We are kings. Go forth and be as such.

-Your leader, Arbol Ikagoss

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