You're The Only Prayer I Need To Make Me Feel Blessed

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In the coming days, Marinette and Cat Noir saw more of each other. It was a little surprising how easily they fit together.

Technically, it wasn't surprising at all.

Marinette moved the stylus against the screen of her tablet vigorously, trying to come up with yet another amazing design for Jagged Stone's new album cover. Of course, it took all of her concentration and time, god knows for how long she had been sitting on that chaise of hers. Her focus was disturbed when she felt her tablet and stylus being snatched away by black-gloved hands.

"Cat Noir!"

The said person just flopped down on her chaise, positioning himself between her legs so that his head was on her stomach, his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Pay attention to me, princess." He whined, his voice was slightly muffled.

Marinette's face heated up as a soft blush crept up her cheeks at the close proximity with Cat. She shook her head, she had always been comfortable with him, had she not? What was with the blushing then? Her thoughts didn't stop a fond smile that had made its way to her lips. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"Aw! Is the kitty feline a bit ignored?" Her grip around him loosened a little as he lifted his head to look at her, his face was so close to hers, their noses were almost touching.

Eyes widened, her lips parted in surprise. She would have questioned his actions if the idiot had not opened his big mouth.

"Was that a pun I heard, ma chérie?" His lips curved into a devilish smirk that may or may not have short-circuited poor Marinette's brain for a while.

When she back to her right mind, she gave him an ugly look and smacked his head upside down.

"Meow-ch!" He winced. "The purr-incess has claws." He dared say.

"One more pun and I will kick you out." She warned.

"No need to get feisty, little lady." He turned over so that he was facing her, his head still in her lap.

Marinette would have kicked him out for sure if she wasn't fond of this dork. She ran her fingers through his soft, smooth golden hair. She really needed to ask him about the hair products he used. "So, you didn't answer my question earlier. Were you getting bored and irritated about not getting my attention, being the cat you are?"

Cat Noir cracked his one eye open and peered at the girl's face. "Nope, well, to be honest, a little bit but I took away that tablet because you have been stressing yourself out a lot, lately and that's not good." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek gently, careful with his claws. "You need to take care of yourself too, didn't you tell me that it's important to let go and be just a kid sometimes?"

Marinette's heart swelled with affection. "I did, didn't I?" She pressed a kiss on his forehead and he sighed.

"Do you want to sleep, kitten?" She asked as he had his eyes closed while she was rubbing a spot behind his cat ears.

"Nah, I just want you to continue petting me." A soft rumble could be heard in the bluenette's room as the superhero purred. "Oh yes! A little to the left, down, a little right, yeah, that's the spot."

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