Even If I'm Not Here To Stay I Still Want Your Heart

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A/N: This chapter's pretty intense in the beginning and might have mention of a panic attack.

Also, this chapter's part-angst and part-fluff.


Read for yourself...

(And it's really surprising that I found this picture of Adrien and Marinette ⬆️⬆️ on the Internet. It's not the best photoshop I've seen, but it'll do...)

It had been a very hard time in Paris. Two whole days since Notre Dame collapsed, two whole days since families were torn, two whole days since people lost their loved ones— two whole days since Adrien lost Marinette.

He thought that he knew how life without his princess felt like. But he was wrong! How could he be so wrong all the time?

At least earlier he knew that she was living and breathing properly, but now he didn't even know if she was alive or not. He had no idea of knowing whether she was breathing her last breath at that very moment or if he could've saved her by seconds when Notre Dame had collapsed.

He had failed— he had failed miserably as a hero, as a boyfriend, as a friend. He had failed Ladybug time and again by getting possessed by akumas and now he had failed Marinette.

What's the point in anything anymore?

He could do nothing to save her. Most of the debris and had been removed and the victims had been immediately rushed to the hospital. There was still no sign of Marinette.

Adrien clutched Marinette's purse tightly to his chest as if he was afraid that it would disappear into thin air. He wasn't even trying to hold back his sobs.

She couldn't be gone...

He had run around the Parisian rooftops trying to find her, just in case. He did not want to accept the fact that she could be lying buried under the debris. If he had been hurt by his Mother's departure he was devastated by the fact that there was a possibility that his Marinette was dead.

Princess, I need to know that you are alive... somewhere, anywhere... just not by my side. I can live with that. Please don't be dead.

He hadn't heard from Ladybug for two days but that wasn't his sole concern at that moment. He just missed Marinette. He missed her warm smile, her tinkling laughter, her sweet voice, her beautiful bluebell eyes that he could get lost into. He missed her witty remarks, he missed her hugs and kisses. He missed her warmth and the light she used to carry with herself. He was so addicted to her. He was addicted to her love.

He had once again lost a person who loved him unconditionally. Maybe, he didn't deserve to be loved. He was a bad omen to those who dared to love him. He felt so lost. The poor boy couldn't comprehend anything.

It was too much.
Everything was too much!

Falling on the floor, he curled in on himself and let out an anguished scream. He didn't care. No one was home. Everything snapped within him and he started having trouble while breathing.

Pain wracked his body and he clawed his chest in hope of getting rid of the aching feeling of loss. She always made him happy and he had all but made her sad. He had disappointed everyone, he had disappointed her.

"You are my good luck charm, chaton."
"I love you so much, Kitty!"
"You are stuck with me forever."
"I'm always gonna be there for you."
"I need you in my life, chaton..."

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