Two Kids With Their Hearts On Fire...

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A/N: Alright, so some of you actually thought that this fic was over because the last chapter was all fluff and Cat Noir and Marinette were finally together but, it's not. Not without the second plot twist! So, this chapter officially marks as the beginning of the end of the book because the second plot twist (which is gonna take up 8 parts to finally complete everything) is gonna steer the entire story from now on. Don't worry guys. There are still 8 chapters left.

And guess what? I completed this earlier than expected so, I was like: why not update it? I am sorry again for the late update.

Enjoy ;)

Warning: The second and the third sections of this chapter are rated PG-13. Read at your own risk.


Slowly but surely things started going back to normal... Well, the 'Ladybug and Cat Noir' normal. Akumas still attacked every now and then, they still dealt with an overly-dramatic villain, his threats and still saved Paris. The superhero duo returned to their normal sync. Cat Noir couldn't be more grateful for Ladybug for understanding the situation. The strain in their relationship was decreasing.

Whilst Cat Noir and Marinette happily dated and Tom and Sabine supported them jovially, the bond of friendship between Adrien and Marinette strengthened. After telling Alya, Nino and Adrien that she was dating the guy she liked, she apologized to Adrien but he just smiled warmly at her and insisted that he was happy as long as she was happy. Luka forgave her too and told her the exact same thing Adrien had told her. "It's all about forgiving and forgetting, Marinette." He had said. She certainly had a great taste in guys!

The balance between yin and yang was being restored. Plagg was happy to see his holder finally get the love he deserved.

Tikki, the sensible kwami, seeing her happy bug, had allowed Marinette to just be carefree and had not asked her to worry about some consequences of her relationship with Cat Noir.

Like their identity and Hawkmoth's threat...

Of course, the threat was always there. It had been present when Marinette first made the decision of befriending her partner months ago. It had been there when the two kids had been growing closer. It had been there all the time.

Yet, Tikki couldn't bring herself to tell any of that to Marinette. After Master Fu's departure, Cat's friendship had made her stronger, both as a superheroine and as a guardian. She was sure that Marinette wouldn't have been able to keep up with that much weight on her shoulders if not for Cat Noir.

She was a kid after all and sometimes it was okay to be selfish. She was in love and shared a happy relationship with her partner. Just for now, Tikki decided not to agonise over all those problems concerned with secret identities that were already true due to Marinette's and Cat Noir's relationship.

Nothing could possibly go wrong, could it?

Nothing is permanent and nothing lasts forever. Only change is permanent, everything else is temporary.


"What are you doing, Princess?" Cat snaked his arms around his girlfriend's waist, burying his head in her shoulder affectionately.

Marinette smiled, she loved him so much. But, it never helped when he got all lovey-dovey while she was trying to work. "Chaton, please... Let me finish unpacking. I promise it won't take long, then we can do whatever you want." She ruffled his hair lovingly.

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