Heaven's A Heartbreak Away

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I am really sorry.

Adrien Agreste, contrary to the popular belief, was a helpless romantic and a giant dork. He wasn't as complicated as others thought he was. He was pretty straightforward and never really had any problem with expressing his feelings. This was the reason why he had no problem flirting with Ladybug. Despite her continuous rejections, he never gave up hope and always tried to pull a romantic gesture for her which always ended up in vain.

Today was different, he wasn't going to confess to his spotted partner, he was going to confess to his princess, his Marinette. It had a nice ring to it. Call it his childishness but, he couldn't wipe off the grin that he was wearing on his face while getting ready for his big day. Today was the day.

Maybe it was just because of the fact that he was going to ask someone out who he already knew had feelings for him. It was good, the feeling that he wouldn't be rejected like always.

I am going to confess to her! I am going to confess to my princess!

He was literally jumping all around his room. Luckily, neither Nathalie nor his father notices. He had imagined everything— how he was going to approach Marinette, how he would confess his undying love for her, how her face would light up, how he would scoop her up in his arms and finally kiss those kissable lips.

Yellow Tulips?


Chocolate bonbons?




"God! I can't wait to see her today." He was on cloud nine. He checked his reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time. He had to look perfect.

"Kid, I don't think this is a good idea..." The black kwami brought Adrien back to reality.

"What do you mean, Plagg?"

"Don't you think it's kind of like cheating? You fell in love with her, you spend time with her as Cat Noir, you two practically act like a couple. She is so open around Cat Noir and you know that too. Now, confessing to her as Adrien... it's misleading. You are lying to her and yourself."

"You are being ridiculous, Plagg. Cat Noir and Adrien are the same people. Besides, I am giving her what she wants. I'm not really lying, I'm just not telling her my identity."

"You are still omitting the truth. Kid, you are giving her an illusion. How are you even so sure that she will say yes? And even if she did, don't you think it will complicate her friendship with your alter ego." Plagg sighed in exasperation, he wasn't the wise guy, that was Tikki's job. He was more of a 'go-ahead YOLO' type but his chosen was making a grave mistake.

Adrien considered this for a moment. Even after all the appealing things about this situation, something in his conscience was siding with Plagg. Like his sixth sense. He didn't want to hold back. Honestly, he was a little nervous but, that was just because he wanted everything to be perfect. Marinette deserved nothing less. He had to be confident. Besides, his kwami had no idea about Marinette's feelings. He wasn't a psychic. He pushed all of his uncertainty away.

Of course, she is gonna say yes. Nino told me she likes me.

"Plagg, I am going to confess to her as Adrien. And I will think about the Cat Noir problem later." He said firmly. "She's the love of my life and I can't let her go. Especially now I know that she has feelings for me too."

"Really?" The kwami was sceptical, "Because just last week the love of your life was Ladybug and Marinette was just a friend."

The teen cringed at his words. 'Just friends' had such a bad sour aftertaste in his mouth. He was already kicking himself for being an oblivious idiot. He wondered how Marinette dealt with him friend-zoning her.

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