Part 3

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A/N: I've received another private message containing request to take down my books.. Please be patient with me, ok? I just wanna write. It's my hobby... :)


"Thank God, we made it on time," William sighs as he glances at the installed digital clock on his car dashboard. The green numbers are currently showing 7:45, exactly fifteen minutes away before the school starts. "You won't be late for your Geometry," he adds.

He is pulling the car into the school's parking lot, the students parking lot to be specific. Smiling, I feel glad to know that he's been parking his car here, and not in the teachers area like he always did before these past few weeks, just because I suggested him to. I'm kind of flattered by the thought that my words somehow matter to him.

"Don't worry about me William, me being late once or twice is fine, I guess." It's not like I'm being ungrateful towards his kindness for giving me a ride to school, I just don't want to be some kind of weight for anyone, especially for someone as significant as him.

"No, you can't be late, Lou, Mr. Hudson would kill you." His reminder is automatically blasting images of a white-haired, middle-aged man who happens to be my killer Geometry teacher. "Besides, I'm the one who's late picking you up this morning, so I wanted to make it up to you."

"You want to have the last bite?" Smiling sheepishly, I offer him the last piece of pancake with a fork.

Over these past few weeks, I've been growing a habit of preparing breakfast every morning before William arrives at my house. We would usually have breakfast together before we leave for school, but the routine had to be broken this morning since William was coming unusually late today.

We're supposed to skip breakfast and just leave for school immediately if we wanted to make it to the first period, but apparently things didn't go that way with William. He insisted on bringing some pancakes in a plate for us to eat in the car, even though it meant that I had to feed him, since his hands were busy working on the steering wheel. He said he couldn't live a day without eating my cooking. And again, I'm flattered by such exaggeration.

"Of course," he responds to my offer while opening his mouth to my direction. Silently giving me a signal to bring the food piece on the fork closer to his lips. He takes the pancake into his mouth and chews with elegance. From the content look in his eyes, I can simply believe that it isn't just a sweet word when he says the pancakes are delicious.

Cooking is the only thing where I can be very confident about myself. It's not just a hobby, but also kind of my passion. I'm glad to know that William is also the type of person who prefers home cooking more than some restaurant's fancy cuisines, regardless of how thick his wallet is. I love cooking for him even more than he loves my cooking.

I carefully take the dirty empty plate that has been sitting on my lap all along our way, place it into a plastic bag I've prepared, and then put it in the dashboard locker. William hands me a bottle of water after he is done drinking from it.

"Thank you," I say before I take a few small gulps of water.

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