Part 5

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So apparently Ivan was right. Mr. Hudson didn't show up this morning and I don't feel the need to sit myself down in his class any longer. As the other students are starting to leave the class, I collect my books and hold them close to my chest with one hand, that's how I always carry my books. I head for the door while my other hand pulls out a blue wallet from the back pocket of my jeans. I just want to make sure that I still have that thing.

I open the wallet and carefully withdraw one card out of it. The card is black in color, with a bank logo at the corner of its front side. I don't really know whether it is a debit or credit card since I never had any, and this card in my hand is not actually mine as well. On the front side of the card, William's full name is embossed along with a series of numbers in gold ink. On the back side, I can see William's signature drawn elegantly in black. Yes, the card belongs to my boyfriend.

William gave me this card a day before I went out with Jess. He wanted me to pay my shopping off with it. He said it's an unlimited card and I could buy ANYTHING I wanted with it. That's too much, I know. Of course I had to decline his mind-blowing offer, but William being overly kind and rather pushy, insisted. He said I could choose whether to take the card and use it or not to go at all.

I wasn't quite aware of my surroundings until I bumped into someone in the hallway. It happened so fast that I can only hear the boy groaning in protest. Luckily, no one is stumbling, but William's card has slipped through my fingers and landed on the floor, right next to the other person's feet.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I say hastily in my clumsy nature.

As I finally look up to see the boy's face, soon I realize that I just bumped into Mikey.

"Uh... Hi, Mikey..." Still having not recovered from the surprise, I really have no idea what else to say. I just offer him a friendly smile, half-hoping that he will reply with a same gesture. But, no, he is glaring at me instead. In a way that I won't be daring to call it friendly.

"Don't 'hi' me, you blind bitch! I don't need it! Not from you!" He spits a lot of viciousness in just one breath. If there are other people in this hallway, I'm sure they would easily catch that bold hatred in Mikey's voice.

This is the first time I hear such harsh words from Mikey. I always had a feeling that he's been harboring a certain grudge upon me, ever since the day he caught William talking to me, in one of our class. It's not that I'm not used to harsh words, really. Well, I had received far worse names when I was bullied in the past. Judging from how he could just say that when we barely even talked with each other before, I can say that he possibly desires my boyfriend more than I thought he did.

Before William and I got together, Mikey seemed so close with him. I even thought they're dating, but no, they were not. It was nothing more than a 'mere shallow friendship', as William puts it. Perhaps Mikey just had too many expectations, and when things didn't work out for him, he then went sour. Just maybe. I'm not sure though.

"I'm sorry..." I repeat my apology, sensing that it can be necessary at the moment. I then remember that William's card is still on the floor and almost getting stepped on. With a swift motion, I crouch down to reach it. Unfortunately at the same time, Mikey does the same and gets to take the card before I do.

He takes a little while observing the card in silence. Once he shifts his attention back at me, the hatred that has always been there is now growing even bolder.

"How exactly do you whore yourself out to make William give you this, Slut?" He asks accusingly, without lowering his glare.

I cower at his cruel accusation. "What are you saying? I didn't..." I feel like I want to break down crying right now, because I know he won't believe in any words that I'm about to say. If he thinks I'm such a low person who always has eyes set for money, then perhaps other people believe the same too.

"Don't give me that 'I didn't do anything' crap. I know William. He needs sex more than anything." Mikey continues, "And I did have sex with him. Many times. But I was never anywhere near to getting this," he puts stress on certain words, "so, what did you do? Tell me!"

His question sounds rather indistinct as my head is busy trying hard to process the shocking information I just heard. I have no idea which matter I should be pouring my concern on? William needing sex more than anything? Mikey having sex with William? The amount of times they did it and I won't dare to come up with numbers? Or convince Mikey to give up his mindless accusation?

"But... I really didn't..."

"Liar!" He seems to be getting more impatient. "William might see you as an angel, but I know what kind of slut you really are. I'll make sure that William will find it out sooner or later."

Is it just me or his accusation has now turned into threat? I don't know how I am supposed to react to this. All that I really want right now is simply to get out of his sight, the sooner the better. But I can't leave without the card. William would probably see me as a great disappointment if I lose his card, or who knows?

"Can you give me the card, Mikey?" Putting up a desperate expression and begging eyes, I test my luck, "please."

He takes some time observing the black card once again and doesn't immediately hand it back to me. "You're lucky this time," he speaks without bothering to look at me in the eye, "I'm in a hurry, and I definitely won't waste my precious time on you, Slut."

With that, Mikey strides closer and walks past me, throwing the card back on to the floor once again. I crouch down to take the card, and quickly place it back into my wallet and secure it in the back pocket of my jeans. I can't lose it. Just letting Mikey take a hold of it for a few minutes is already enough to give me a sense of paranoia. As if William would just disappear into thin air if I ever lost anything he gave me.

That sounds crazy, I know.

But what can I say? It can't be helped that I'm helplessly in love with William? Besides people say love could easily drive everyone crazy somehow.



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