Part 8

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I'm at my locker putting in a book and getting for another when William stops my hand from doing it. Drawing my hand out of the locker, I look at him in askance. He's standing besides me, or more like looming over me. I'm not able to read his current facial expression. After what happened at the cafeteria, I know he's still upset. Maybe even extremely furious. But his face doesn't show it. It's just flat like that. Like he's no longer giving a damn about whatever the world has to offer. Perhaps that is including me.

"We go home now." He speaks, still in which voice that gives me a chill. Meaning that he wants us to go to his house now.

"Wh... But the next class is.." A loud sound of metal banging cuts my sentence. William has slammed my locker door close with an excessive force it almost makes me jump. Positive, he's still furious. Only he hides it too well beneath his calm facade. And he's not in the mood for discussion. That is why I choose to stay silent and completely docile when he hurriedly drags me outside by my arm.

There aren't too many people in the hallway that we pass through. Most of them are probably in classes already. Ready for the next period. I try my best to keep up with William's pace. As we got out of the school building, he's no longer dragging me. He walks in front of me, still in that steady haste. He does not bother looking back to check whether I am still following him or not. He knows I am.

William makes a sudden stop as we reach his car at the parking lot. By the time he turns around to face me, I have already stopped walking and stood close to him. I observe his visage to see any sign that he might want to change his mind about him still having anything to do with a dumb person like me.

"Take it off." Says William.

"Sorry?" I raise my eyebrows. Completely not knowing what he's talking about.

"Necklace. Off. Now." He spells bitterly word by word to give enough pressure on each ones. He does not care to make a complete sentence out of them.

Seeing his hand is stretching out waiting for the necklace, I do exactly what he orders me to. I take off my bird necklace in a hurry. I know better than to deny his current request. Any rebellious act won't get me anywhere this time. And I have a feeling that this is going to be the last time I ever see that necklace again. But even so, I dare not to make any gesture that would look like I'm taking a short moment to observe the thing for the very last time.

I hand him the necklace and wait for his response as he takes time observing the bronze bird pendant that comes with a black thread in his hand. I don't like the way his face turns sour the longer he looks at it. Like it's some kind of a heartbreaking object. Perhaps it is, or at least to him. It is when I feel a giant surge of guilt starting to fill up in my chest. It is aching.

I should've known better. I should've just obeyed when he asked me to stop wearing that necklace months ago. How could I even have the heart to unconsciously hurt William like this? The only person who had introduce me to happiness. The only one that means the world to me.

"I'm so sorry." My voice comes out a bit too emotional. Almost like a soft whimper.

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