Part 11

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A/N: Apology for the late update. My dad is being hospitalized and I just have the chance to upload at this hour.


"What's this, Baby? I don't know you have an Instagram account. I remember the last time I checked, you didn't even have the application." William's handsome features can't hide his confused expression when he asks me that. I'm already used to him occasionally checking my phone and I don't mind at all. He needs to make sure that I'm still his. And I understand that he needs a solid proof to support that.

"I just downloaded it yesterday. I hope you don't mind."

"Don't worry, Lou. When did I ever ban you from social media?" He responds without looking at my direction. His eyes are still busy with all the contents in my phone. "But, I won't allow you to have Snapchat though. It's useless to you."

We both are now sitting on his bed, leaning against the head board with one of his hand circling at my waist, waiting for dinner time as William's maids are currently busy in the kitchen preparing it. His maids already changed the bed sheet and pillow cases when we're in the shower. And William had changed his clothes that got wet due to helping me taking a bath. He's now wearing a gray T-shirt and long navy pants. I don't know why he wears long pants while he gave me these gray flannel shorts along with a white T-shirt to wear tonight. This isn't the first time I spend the night at his place and he usually wear shorts at home.

"But why did you suddenly set up an IG account? What for?" He inquires my background motivation. "Do you plan to post daily pictures of yourself? Your selfies?"

I chuckle at that. "Of course not, William." He seems to always forget that my self-esteem level is actually far below the average line. "My friend, Emily made me create that account. She wanted me to follow her on lnstagram."

"So you aren't going to post anything on it?"

"I haven't really thought about it." So far, I just find out that browsing through countless of pictures in Instagram is rather amusing. "Maybe I will just post photos of food that I cook myself. Can I?"

Making decision is not something I feel confident about. That's why I always need William's support upon every choice I make. Including a small stuff like this. I'm not willing to take any risk. I mean, a small stuff to me could probably be seen as hugely significant by my boyfriend.

"Sure, you can, Baby." He gives me a warm comforting smile. Looks like his previous suspicion has already subsided. "I also don't mind if you plan to post pictures of us both in one frame. Not your selfies."

Of course, I understand that he doesn't want people to think that I am single and available. I smile unconsciously, responding to his warning. I don't know why, but I find his possessiveness to be adorable most of the time. And I kind of like it because such attitude can only be translated as him seeing me as something precious to him, right?

A series of knocking sounds is heard from the door's direction. William locks my phone and gives it back to me. I put the phone right away on the side table beside me. He quickly gets up from the bed to answer the door.

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