Part 7 - Recovering

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So I'm back. I'm really glad that you still reading this story. I'm really sorry I can't update more frequently but I'll never let a story unfinished! This story is close to it's end. I know it's short (well you can see it in the title so... what do you expect? xD) but I have longer stories in my mind too. Anyway as always: Enjoy!


Darkness. He didn't understand at first. He was awake, so why didn't he see anything but darkness. Am I dead? Did I die and this is what happens after? But he hoped that he was still alive. Right now he wasn't sure. He tried to open his eyes but nothing happened. He also felt something on his face folding his eyes. Maybe that's why I can't see anything.

He knew that these thoughts are only lies. He just doesn't want to face the fact. The fact that the lava blinded him. He knew deep inside that he will never be able to see anything. He will never see the colors, he will never be able to read or write and he will never see his friends or anybody else. Sunny... the last dragon I saw clearly was her... but will I remember her face? Her lovely smile? Will she come and see me? Does she cares about me? What about the others? What happened? Where am I?

There was too much question but he could not answer any of those questions. He was just lying there. He tried to locate where he could be. By the sounds he guessed he was in the rainforest. He made another guess that they brought him to the healers hut. He heard a groan. He turned his head to the direction of the sound but there was nothing else he could do.

"Starflight? Is that you?" he heard a familiar voice.

"Webs?" although he recognized the voice he wanted to be sure.

"Yes. What happened?" he asked.

"Lava blinded me I think." He answered simply, like he accepted this but the truth was that he didn't want to live like this.

"I'm sorry..." he heard the seawings weak voice. He didn't know what else to say. Since the seawing didn't continue the conversation Starflight decided that he won't either.

He just wanted some peace now but he couldn't handle his thoughts. And his mind started to wander.

Do they see me as a traitor? Where are they now? Do they want to see me? What is happening right now? What will happen to me? Where is Sunny? I hoped she would come and see me. Does she even love me? She said she might but I don't think that's true though why would she lie to me? Well I wanted to be left there and be killed, maybe that's the reason...

His mind just went on and on about things from the days when he was a prisoner in the Night Kingdom and of course his friends as well.

Time just went but he could not follow it. He growled in annoyance. He didn't even know what time it was. Was it night? Or dawn? Maybe afternoon? He was hungry. He was thirsty. He needed to relieve himself. He was tired though he didn't do anything.

Starflight hoped somebody will check on him eventually. Suddenly the nightwing remembered that Webs is there or at least he was.

"Webs!" he called for him and soon heard a groan.

"What is it?" the seawing asked.

"Will somebody come? Where are the others?"

"I don't know. Last time I saw them was when they brought you here and then left. Only some healers came checking on you but that time you was out." He answered but it didn't calmed down the nightwing.

"Are you okay? Can you go and look for them?"

"I can. The healers said that I'll be completely fine in a few days and I can leave whenever I want. I want to go catch some fish from a creek anyway. These fruits just not my favorites."

Starflight heard as he get up and start walking then he heard a few wingbeats before it went back to the normal sounds of the rainforest. Now he was really alone.

After a while corrupted thoughts started to take over his mind. Maybe Fatespeaker was right after all... I am useless and because of my blindness I will be. Maybe I should just go back to the vulcano. My life isn't worth anything. It will be better for everyone. They never needed me before and I won't be needed to stop the war, they'll manage it just fine without me. Nobody is here anyway. I can sneak out, though it will be hard to find the tunnel but I'm sure they won't even notice it.

"If you don't stop it, I'll kill you myself!" he heard Glory's voice. He turned towards the source of the sound. He didn't even hear her coming in. He was confused for a minute then realized he probably was thinking out loud.

"Glory?" was all he could say. He soon felt several wings embracing him. He immediately felt that Tsunami and Clay was here too. But he missed one feeling. The warmth of his sandwing friend. His crush. The one dragon he truly loves even if she rejected him.

"Were're so glad you are fine!" he heard Tsunami's voice and Clay said something similar too.

"Well mostly..." Glory added and everybody knew what she meant.

"What happened?" asked Starflight.

"Well... Long story short: The nightwings accepted what you suggested to me and now I'm their queen too... Most of them escaped from the vulcano, luckily Morrowseer and Fatespeaker died and some others, like the former queen."

Starflight didn't know if he should be happy about it or not. After all they tortured him but he didn't want anyone to die.

"So nobody else got hurt?" he asked after realizing that if no one else is here than only he got injured.

"Well there are a few nightwing that needed treatment but I will not let them close to you." Answered him Glory.

"I'd rather kill them myself than letting that!" added Tsunami.

"Of course I am an exception." He heard a male voice. "Since I'm Glory's personal bodyguard now, I must be close to her even if she's near to you."

"Deathbringer!" yelled the rainwing queen. "We talked about it! You are not my bodyguard!"

"But my queen! There are several dragons that want you dead."

"Yeah and not so long ago they sent you to deal with that."

"But I didn't kill you."

"Enough!" yelled Tsunami and the two stopped arguing. For once Starflight was glad that the seawing raised her voice.

"Where is Sunny?" Starflight finally asked. Even if he couldn't see anything he got the feeling that their expression changed to a sadder one.

"We don't know." Clay told him. "She just disappeared."

This hit Starflight in the heart. "Disappeared? Did somebody kidnapped her? She made it out from the island right?"

"She did and she wanted to take care of you but we needed her too to help us keeping the peace amongst the dragons but she didn't followed us, she just disappeared." Glory told him and Starflight started to sobbing. "I'm sure that she just need time. She will turn up eventually." The rainwing stopped but Starflight got a feeling that she wanted to tell him something else.

"Do you think that she loves me?" he asked suddenly than started scolding himself. He didn't really wanted to talk about this with his friends...

"Sunny loves almost everybody, I'm sure she loves you too." Said Clay not getting the point.

"Clay I don't think he meant that way." Tsunami told the mudwing who finally got it.

"I don't know and I don't want to give you false hope..." started Glory. "But she talked about it to me and I think she has feelings for you but you have to talk about it later."

They all sighned. Suddenly they heard roars. "We have to go!" said Tsunami.

"These nightwings..." said Glory which didn't bothered Starflight nor Deathbringer. "I'm gonna send somebody to check on your eyes. Maybe they can save your eyes." With that they all take off leaving Starflight alone again.

He didn't get excited about this. He didn't want false hope that he might be able to see again. Although he wanted. He wanted to be able to read the scrolls, he wanted to see the colors. And he wanted to see Sunny. Oh Sunny. Where are you?

I Give Up! (A Sunnyflight short story)Where stories live. Discover now