Part 8 - A talk with the parents

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So before the holidays here is the new chapter. I know it's shorter and sorry for that.

I wish everybody Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



The last two days were eventful for the little sandwing. She was kidnapped by some nightwings but escaped, then followed them, then met her mother, then got kidnapped again but her mother came for her and now she was ready to go back to the rainforest. But before that she wanted to talk with her mother, Thorn about one more thing so she went back with her to the Scorpion Den.

When she learned that she's a hybrid with a nightwing father she thought more about her feelings towards Starflight. He said he loves me and doesn't care that I was thought to be a weird little sandwing. Turns out I'm a hybrid so inter-tribe relationships can be working. But at what's cost though? I don't have a barbed tail and my color is weird and probably the reason for my smaller size is being a hybrid... I don't know... Maybe mom can help me.

As they got back she immediatly asked her mom to have a private talk because she wanted to get over with it as soon as possible so she can be on her way back to the rainforest.

They went back to that room where they talked properly in the first time they met, where Sunny learned about that Thorn is actually her mother. The difference now was only that Quibli was not there because Sunny asked him to leave them alone. She only wanted to talk about this with her mother and not wanting anyone else to hear it.

"So?" asked Thorn "What did you wanted to talk about with me?"

Sunny wasn't so confident now and it was hard at first to begin with it but she managed.

"How did you fall in love with a nightwing?" she asked simply but after Thorn gave her a questioning look she quickly continued. "I mean I know what you told me earlier about it but I want to know more about him."

"I already told you what was he like and why did I love him. Can't really say anything else about him. I'm sad and angry that he never came back and I never got the chance to tell him that he has a daughter. About falling in love... I can't explain it, it's something you feel toward that dragon. You thinking about him, enjoying his company, want to spend time with him, etc..."

"Well now we know that he is at Jade Mountain! Maybe we can go and search for him."

"I can't leave now. But you already said that you want to go back to your friends. I'm sad that you want to leave so soon but I don't want to force you staying here. Hope I'll see you soon."

"There is one more thing I want to tell you before I go. I asked about your relationship with Stonemover because..." Sunny couldn't finish her sentence Thorn did it for her.

"You fell in love? With who? It's not a sandwing I guess."

"It's Starflight."

"That nightwing from the prophecy?" asked her mother who doesn't seemed to be angry or disappointed, only curious.

"Yes, but... I wasn't sure about it earlier and I told him that I only think of him as a brother but as time went my feeling towards him changed and I think that I love him but he think that I don't love him and he's blind now and..." Sunny went on and on with her worries that she ruined their relationship.

She started crying and her mother went closer and put her wings around her pulling her into a hug. Thorn wanted the best for her daughter. "Tell him how you really feel." She whispered to Sunny.

"But what if it will be the same that happened between you and my father?" asked the little hybrid who started doubting.

"I don't know what really happened to us but don't let it change your mind. If you really love him and he really loves you then you are meant to be together. If you think that there is a future for you then I support it."

Sunny hugged thighter her mother and more and more tears started to come from her eyes. "Thank you!" she said. Now she was ready to return to the rainforest but before that there was someone else she wanted to visit. Soon she was on her way to Jade Mountain.

(little time skip to the moment when she wokes up in the next morning after she found Stonemover and stayed with him for a little time)

"Already?" asked the nightwing after his daughter told him she had to leave.

"I'm sorry but I have to. We have a war to stop."

"But the prophecy..."

"I know but I don't need a prophecy. I just don't want any other dragon die because of this war."

Stonemover sighned and nodded.

"Before I leave, there is something else I want you to know." Said Sunny. Her father watched her but said nothing just waiting for his daughter to continoue. "I think I'm in love with a nightwing. Just like my mother was." She wasn't sure she hurt him when she said the word 'was', Stonemovers expression didn't tell her.

"My daughter is in love. That's so great." He said weakly but there wasn't anything disapproving or mocking in his voice. "Do I know this dragon?"

"His name is Starflight. The nightwing from the prophecy. The false prophecy." The truth about the prophecy still hurt her.

"I don't know him. What is he like?" Sunny was happy that his father showed some curiosity towards her friends.

"He loves reading scrolls and learn things and also caring and..." she said a lot of positive things about him and some negative too but she always added that she doesn't mind them. Stonemover just listened her without showing any emotion.

"Is he the Masterminds son?" asked the nightwing after Sunny finished. She only nodded. "I loved Thorn. She was so great, she was everything to me. But animus magic started to corrupt me. Taking away my soul. I had to do something about it but I think it's too late anyway. But you two don't have to deal with that. You can be happy together. It's your choice."

That was all her father said. Sunny was relived that her parents wasn't disapproving about her feelings for Starflight. She was sure now what she have to do. She have to go back to the rainforest and tell him how she really feel.

She wandered in the mountain until she found a way out and started to fly towards the Rainforest. I'm coming Starflight. And I won't leave you again! I can fix this! And after we stop the war we will be together. But there was a little worry inside her as well. A worry that he doesn't love her anymore. Not after she rejected him at first.

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