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Henri’s POV

            For two weeks I managed to avoid pack territories. Angle and I had long since lost track of where we were, and to tell you the truth, I really didn’t care where we were. Not once since we left the pack has Angel complained about the loss of her mate, but I knew she missed Gideon’s wolf.

            I stayed in wolf form most of the time. It was easier to travel and it made my clothes last longer. We stumbled onto a small town the third week of our travels. Shifting back, I quickly count my small cache of cash. I had just enough money for one night in a hotel and a pizza.

            At the thought of a hot pizza, my mouth starts to water. Making sure that I looked decent, I walk into town. Feeling Angel come alert, I look around for trouble. When I saw no one, I link with her. Angie, what’s wrong?

            We just entered into a pack’s territory.

            Man! I thought that we had skirted any pack owned land. Do you know which pack territory we’re trespassing on?

            No Henri, I don’t. But I can tell you that this pack is a whole lot bigger than any we’ve even encountered. I keep my head low as I pick up my pace. By tomorrow I’ll have had my hot shower and meal and I’d be gone without anyone knowing I was in their territory. Spying a small hotel, I quickly run across the street.

            When I open the door, my nose was assaulted by several different wolf scents, though none of them were recent. Sighing softly, I make my way to the desk. A girl about my age was standing behind it. When she felt my presence, she looked up and smiled. Grabbing a piece of paper and pen, I told her that I needed a room. “How many nights would you like to reserve the room for miss?” Her soft voice reminded me of my mom and I fought the tears. Holding up one finger, I give her a shy smile.

            Handing her the exact change, she slides me the key. Nodding to her, I quickly make my way to the room, her voice following me out of the lobby. “Breakfast starts at 7:30.”  Thankfully, my room was on the ground floor. Opening the door, I quickly step into my room. Making sure the door was locked; I pull a change of clothes out of my bag and head to the shower. For a brief second, Ryan ran through my thoughts, but I quickly blocked it out.

Ryan’s POV

            I watched as my pack gave my little sister a beating. My wolf and I were both itching to run across the room and yank them off of her, but I stayed where I was. For the past nine years, they used her as their punching bag. It seemed now that they didn’t need a reason to lay into her, but she never made a sound. I never took part of her beatings, but I never tried to stop them either.

            The memory of her first beating slipped into my mind and I winced. Henri lay on the hard wood floor, curled into a tight ball. When her eyes met mine, she silently pleaded with me to help her, to make the pain they were causing her to stop. But like the idiot I was, I stood still and just watched.

            After that night, she would never look me in the eye. If I was in the same room as she was, she would leave as fast as she could. And I didn’t blame her. As her brother, I failed her. I failed to protect her as I promised my parents I would. And I knew that she hated me for it.

            I woke up at two this morning. I could feel her fear through our sibling bond and I knew that she had another nightmare of their deaths. I hated that she had to see them get killed, and on her birthday as well. Knowing that she would be headed to the gym, I slip on some jeans and beat her there. Keeping myself hidden in the shadows, I watch as she lets her anger and frustration out on the punching bag. If that thing had been a person, it would be screaming in pain right now. No one in the pack knew, but my baby sister was one, if not the best fighter this pack had.

            After three hours, she leaves. I head to my office to try and get my mind off her for a little while. When the smell of breakfast slowly penetrates my room, I know that she’s cooked breakfast. Hearing the pack rushing down the stairs, I decided to stay and work a little longer. The alpha hadn’t called for me yet, so I was still good.

            It was almost noon when I started to look for my phone. It dawned on me that I had left it on my dresser in my room. Shaking my head, I step out into the hallway and make my way to the stairs. Coming around the corner, I watch as my sister runs into the alpha and falls back onto the stairs. He doesn’t help her up; he just stands there staring daggers at her.

            Then his voice reaches me. “I, Gideon Elijah Watson, alpha of the Carruthers pack, reject you Henrietta Chastity Walker as my mate and alpha female.” I was shocked, but I knew that he had known she was his mate for a year now. I hold my breath and look at Henri. Her face was blank of everything. I hated to see her like that. Then her voice fills the room.

            “And I, Henrietta Chastity Walker, accept your rejection, Gideon Elijah Watson, as my mate.” I couldn’t believe it. She accepted his rejection. My little sister, who used to swear that it would take death to accept her mate’s rejection, gave Gideon what he wanted without a fight. I knew that he didn’t deserve her. No one in the pack did, even I didn’t. Ten minutes later, I was still standing there.

            Slowly turning and making my way back to my office, I slump into my chair, phone forgotten. I felt her pain when he rejected her. The beatings, I realized now, gave her strength. But they also taught her that she couldn’t trust anyone, even family. Shame washed over me. Jumping to my feet, I rush to her room. Opening the door, I start to speak. “Henri, are you in here. It’s me, Ryan. We need to talk.”

            My voice softly fades out as I notice that her room’s empty. I turn to leave and notice her notebook lying on the dresser. I walk over and pick it up. Seeing her handwriting on the page, I start to read.


            It saddens me that this day has finally come for me. If you are reading this, it means that I have found my mate and that he rejected me. I can’t stay here where no one wants me. It takes a fool to see when they’re not wanted, and I am no fool. I wanted to leave this pack so many times before, but I stayed. I stayed for you and because I thought that when I found my mate, he would accept me as I am. But I was wrong. You never loved me and neither does he. I no longer have anything to live for. I hope that you find your mate and that you are as happy with her as mom and dad were. I still love you no matter what you think of me.

            Your sister,


            Stunned, I fall to the floor. When it finally hits me and I go to ask her forgiveness, she’s already gone. I thought she hated me, but she had written that she still loved me. I felt a brief flash of hope that she would be back, and that I would get the chance to correct my mistakes. But just as quick as that hope sprung up, it was shattered as I felt the snapping of the pack link. Someone had left without permission from the alpha. And I knew exactly who it was.

            From the howls that sounded from the floor above me, I knew that they had just realized that Henrietta was gone. And it was all our faults. I had just lost the last person I ever cared about in my life. I reach out across our bond, but I can barely feel her. One day, I promise that I will make it up to you Henri. I swear.

            If she comes back alive, my wolf whispers eliciting a growl from me. I did not like the sound of that at all. She would come back alive. 

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