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Henri’s POV

                        I groan softly and open my eyes slightly, above my head hung a single light bulb. Looking around, I notice that I was lying on a cot in a silver cell. Suddenly I hear two voices coming closer to me. Snapping my eyes closed, I pretend that I’m still asleep.

            “Is she awake yet?”

            “No. But she should be soon.”

            “Did you give her to much of that stuff? If she ain’t awake by the time the boss gets here, he’ll have both our hides.” I could hear fear in his voice. “She’ll be awake by then.” He says softly just as another voice hits my ears.

            “Then why isn’t she awake?” There was power in his voice and I had to suppress a shudder. He was an alpha, of that I was sure of. A tinge of fear ran down my back. I knew his voice, but I couldn’t place it. Guy number one gulped. “I…I don’t know sir. We gave her the amount you said to give her, but she hasn’t woken up. Maybe it’s her wolf…” The sound of a slap and a groan fill the room.

            Even if they did kidnap me, I wouldn’t allow anyone to get hurt on my behalf. Letting out a moan, I open my mouth. “Louis? Ryan?” I ask softly, knowing that they weren’t there to answer me. “She’s…she’s awake boss.”

            “I can see that you idiot.” He snaps at him and opens my cell. I open my eyes and look around slowly. When my eyes land on him, I make myself give a yelp of surprise and slide away from him. I put fake fear in my eyes. He laughs at me. “Don’t worry Mouse. I won’t hurt you.”

            Mouse? I remember that nickname, but who in the world called me mouse?

            I don’t know Henri… But I can hear his wolf. I feel like we know them from somewhere, but I just can’t recall where from. I felt my wolf growl. “Who…who are you?” I ask making my voice soft and shy.

            “I’m your…My name is Gabriel. I had to bring you here, though I’m sorry for the way you arrived here.” He adds, jerking his head towards the two clowns still standing outside my cell. I keep my eyes on him.

            “Are you going to kill me?”

            “No one will harm you while you’re here!” He yells and his growl fills the room. Shaking, I shrink back away from him. He freezes when he sees me move back. “Please trust me once again Mouse. No harm will come to you.” He pleads with me. I nod once, keeping the look of fear in my eyes. He sighs and sits in the small chair by the door.

            “Who are you? And why do you call me Mouse?” I ask, letting my curiosity seep into my voice. A small sad smile splits his face. “I’ll tell you all in good time Henrietta. All in good time.”

            “Louis will find me, I know he will.”

            “Your mate will find you once I want him to find you. There are many things which you need to know about yourself and your heritage. And only I know these things.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “Don’t you want to know why your parents were killed?” I nod once feeling tears building up in my eyes. Suddenly, my stomach grumbles and Gabe laughs. “First, we’ll get you something to eat.” I smile shyly at him and blush.

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