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Henri’s POV

            I was standing in a clearing surrounded by hunters and two vampires. I shift behind a tree quickly and step back into their line of sight. “Well, well, well. Look what we have here boys. A pack wolf and she’s on our turf all alone.” Angel snarls at his voice, but I keep my lips closed.

            When they start to step towards me, I hold up my hand. They freeze instantly and I could hear the low rumble of their voices when they see a fireball in the palm of my hand. “Take me to Declan Moss now.” I command even though I know that my alpha voice would have no effect on the hunters and vampires, but they could hear the power in my voice.

            The surrounded me and we start to walk through the woods. Within minutes we’re standing behind a huge mansion. Well, it looks more like a freaking castle or something. Keeping my heart beat normal; I slowly follow them through the door. After walking through a maze of halls, they finally open the door to an office. Sitting behind a huge desk made of solid red oak, sat Declan Moss.

            His eyes were the exact color that the goddess told me they would be. I didn’t wait for him to speak. “Tá mé an ceann atá tú ag lorg.” His face pales and I know that he understood. He jerks his head towards the door and the others leave. “Ms. McTire. What a pleasure to finally meet you.”

            “I wish I could say the same for you Declan.” I say keeping my voice cold. “And the last name is Walker now thank you. I wasn’t raised as a McTire since Kirk killed them. And then he killed my parents. I thought it only is fitting that it was me who killed him.” I laugh at the look of shock on his face.

            “You…You killed Kirk? I don’t believe it.” He states, staring at me. I just make a fireball rise from my palm and then freeze it. “He wasn’t able to put up much of a fight.” He laughs suddenly. “So, why are you here little one? I didn’t expect someone such as you to just give up so easily.”

            “I wasn’t planning on it. But then I hit the limit on how much loss I could handle. So, the goddess and I made a deal and well, here I am.”

            “And what kind of deal did you make with the goddess might I ask?”

            “That’s between the goddess and myself.” I sigh and look him in the eye. “I, Henrietta Chastity Kathleen Walker McTire, hereby officially surrender to you, Declan Moss. In exchange for my life, you and your little army will never bother another pack wolf again.”

            “And I, Declan Leroy Moss, accept the surrender of Henrietta Chastity Kathleen Walker McTire and promise that I and my army will never again bother the pack wolves from the point on.” I nod at him. “So what happens now?”

            “Now my dear Henri, you’ll be taken to a room where you’ll wait until 7 tonight. Then the ritual will start. I’ll drain your blood from you which will slowly give me your powers. Once I’ve drank every last drop of your blood and you die, I’ll be the most powerful vampire alive. But I’ll be bound by our surrender to never go after the packs.” He smirks and lowers his voice to where I could only hear him. “Then, I’ll go after the hunter and rogues, wiping them off the face of the earth once and for all.”

            I couldn’t speak. Starting at him, he smiles at me. “William, take our guest here to her room please. Oh, and make sure she has something to eat. I’m sure the journey here didn’t allow her to stop for a meal.” His laugh follows me out of his office and down the hall. Even though I’d accepted that I would die, I didn’t expect my killer to be so happy about it.

As I follow William, I remember the order I gave Ryan. Feeling guilty that I used an alpha command on him, I open our link but keep my voice masked to where he couldn’t hear me. You can tell them brother. My plan is now set into motion. It’s only a little while now until I say goodbye forever. 

                                                                Declan's POV

        When the patrol told me that they were bringing a wolf that matched the discription of Henrietta to me, I didn't believe it. Even when she was standing before me, I still didn't believe it. I thought that she would fight with her mate to stop us, not give up her life for the others. 

I agreed to the conditions of her surrender much to my surprise. As I made every inch of her face burn into my memory, I almos felt sorry about what I would be doing to her. Almost. Taking her powers were my destiny, but I would kill her as fast as I could. I didn't want her to suffer. 

At ten til seven, William brought Henri to the back yard. When she saw the stone table beside me, I saw a small shudder run through her body. She may have accepted the fact that she was going to die for her kind, but I don't think that it really hit home until she was walking towards me. 

William laid her on the table. Henri just laid there looking at the sky. A small smile appeared on her lips. I glance up just in time to see a small shooting star fall. Which was weird seeing as it was still daylight. I turn my eyes back to the crowd before me. "We are gathered here today to witness the death of one Henrietta Chastity Kathleen Walker McTire. We have long awaited her birth and have spent the last twenty years looking for her. Well, I am pleased to announce that we have her, and she shall soon breath her last."

They cheer and whistle as I step beside her. I raise my hand and silence errupts through them. Within a second, you could hear nothing. I waited until the clock struck seven before I lean over her. Whispering an apology in her ear, I sink my fangs deep into her throat. I expected Henri to scream and thrash about, but she just laid there, her eyes closed and a look of peace on her face. 

Within minutes, I managed to drain every ounce of her blood. I listened as she took her final breath. A pain filled howl rent the air causing me to jerk my head up. As I licked my lips, I watch as several huge pack wolves spill from the forest. Nodding to my men beside me, we turn and vanish. 

I would keep my promise that I had made to Henri. To me a promise should be kept, never broken. No matter who you made it to. As I heard the screams of pain come from behind me, I knew that it would be hard to keep it. But that's what I intended to do. Even though the one I made the promise with was now dead. 


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