Broken Hearts Heal Slow

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Broken Hearts Heal Slow

Gabriel’s POV

            I could smell her scent now, though it was still surrounded in wolf’s bane. I burst from the forest just in time to see that filthy blood sucker take his fangs from Henri’s neck. A howl tore itself from me as our bond broke as she died. Derrick and I just stood there as our pack members tore into the enemy in front of us.

            As we stood there and mourned the loss of Henri, my wolf started pacing. Taking a deep breath, I freeze. Derrick hadn’t been lying when he told me about the deal Henri had made with the goddess. I grit my teeth, trying to fight my wolf. But he took control of my body. Slowly was made our way through the crowds until we came to a stop in front of a girl. I gasp as my eyes fall on her. I would always consider Henri the most beautiful girl in the world, but my mate before me, was breathtaking.

            “Mate?” She says softly with a look of confusion in her eyes. I nod once and walk up beside her. Nudging her with my head, I lead her slowly to the woods. I looked over my shoulder to see that Dare was leading a girl to the woods as well. Taking one last look over my shoulder at Henri’s body, I felt my heart break.

            My mate lays her hand gently on my shoulder and I look at her. I could see that she knew how much I loved Henri, but I could see love in her eyes for me as well. “I’m sorry about Henri. Declan made me join his cause. He could see some parts of the future. He knew about you and me. Please don’t hate me.” She says softly, sobbing.

            I felt our bond strengthen, and I wanted to reject her, but I knew that I would never be able to. I could feel love for you stirring in my heart, and I knew that it was what Henri would want me to do. I shake my head and link with her. “There’s nothing to forgive. You weren’t the one that killed her. Come on, I want to get away from here.”

            As Dare and his mate walk by me, I noticed that she was a hunter. I felt sorry for him. He just lost his sister and got a hunter as a mate. But the goddess never made a mistake. Right? Wrong. She should have never told Henri about the war that would break out between the two groups. I would still have her beside me right now if she had just let it play out on its own.

            We make our way back to the SUVs. I climb into the back seat, and pull my mate into my lap. The four of us just sit there waiting for the other wolves to make their way back to the cars. I would always miss my love no matter how much love the mate bond created between this girl and myself.

Derrick’s POV

            A hunter! My mate is a freaking hunter. I think I would have preferred being mated to a blood sucker, though both are equal as far as enemies go. The second my eyes lock with her, I could almost hear Henri telling me to go to her. I sigh softly and approach her. As I lower my head so she could lay her hand on it, I felt the sparks run through me.

            I look towards Henri’s body. She laid there looking almost as white as the one that killed her. I strained my ears, but her heart had already stopped beating. I link with Aaron. Wrap her body and bring it with us. We’ll bury her on our lands where she belongs.

            Will do Derrick. I look at my mate and notice the look of confusion that’s written on her face. She hangs her head in shame and my heart starts to break. “I’ll understand if you reject me. If I was you, I wouldn’t want to be mated to a hunter either.” I growl softly at her causing her head to jerk up. I walk behind her and push her back with my head softly.

            She finally gets the idea and starts walking. I fall in step with her as we follow Gabriel and his mate back to the cars. I try to link with my mate. Can you hear me? She nods once, surprise in her eyes. Good. Now, I want you to know that I will not reject you. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to. It would kill me to do so. My name’s Derrick.

            I’m Kathleen. She slips her hand on my back and I step closer to her. The guys are in for a surprise when they find that their Luna is a hunter. But I know that they wouldn’t dream of hurting her. But it would take them a while to learn to trust her.

            We were just about to drive off when Aaron links with me. Hey Dare, where was Henri’s body?

            It’s on that stone table.

            Umm, it’s not there anymore.

            What do you mean it’s not there?

            Well, I went to go find a blanket and when I got back, her body was gone.

            You better find it Aaron. She deserves a proper funeral. I cut the link furious. Henri didn’t deserve any of this that has happened to her. I wish that we would have figured out where they were hiding a lot sooner, and that she was still alive. I already miss her laugh, her smile, and her jokes. I rack my brain for memories of her and for the next few hours on the way home, I spent recalling the years I had with my sister.

Ryan’s POV

            I don’t know why I didn’t go with them when they left to get Henri back. That’s not the truth. I do know why I didn’t go. I didn’t want to see my sister dead, and I didn’t want to see the looks on Derrick’s and Gabe’s face when they realized that there was nothing they could have done to save her.

            Groaning softly, I walk to her bedroom. Looking around, I spot an envelope lying under her pillow. I sit on the edge of her bed and slowly pull it out. When I see my name written in her handwriting on the front, I tear it open. Taking the letter out, I notice that it was dated the day she ran from the hospital.


            I know that if you’re in my room reading this, then I’m dead. Please forgive me. I know that everyone thought I was stronger than I am. It had to be this way trust me. If it wasn’t me, it would have been Gabe. And I don’t think that Angel or I are strong enough to live after the loss of him as well.

            You’re probably mad at me right now huh? That’s alright, I deserve it. There’s something I have to tell you: you’re not my real brother. My parents were Alpha Robert and Luna Hannah McTire. Your parents were their best friends. After I was born, my mom and dad received a death threat on my life. So they gave me to your parents so the assassin wouldn’t find me. And for ten years, he didn’t.

            But somehow he found me that horrible night of my tenth birthday when they took me to the fair. I wish so bad that on that night Kirk had thrown that knife into my chest. Your parents wouldn’t have died for me, and you would still have them with you. But I will always think of you as my blood brother.

             I hope that one day you will forgive me. Even though I’m no longer there right beside you, I will always have your back. I will miss your laugh and your smile. Trust me when I say that I will always love you brother. And that I forgave you for everything the night I was rejected by Gideon.

            Stay safe Ryan. Live life to the fullest and have fun. Oh, and get the frown off your face. It makes you look like you’re old. Lol



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