Another Deal

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(Hey guys. I’m sorry that this chapter is short, but it’s mostly just filler. The story’s kind of winding down. I hope that y’all loved it.)

Another Deal

Henri’s POV

            The goddess led me to the meadow where I first met her. Angel was whining at the loss of the mate bond with Gabe. But I knew he had someone else. I fall back into the grass and stare at the blue sky. “Is this my ever after?” I ask with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. The goddess laughs before she joins me in the grass.

            “No Henri. I watched you step of the way to your death. And I must say that out of all the people from your family, only you faced death with courage and dignity. And you were the only one who chose to sacrifice your life for the lives of others.”

            “My ancestors were a little selfish no?”

            “Yes they were. And because of your sacrifice for my children, I’ve decided to make you another deal.” I laugh softly. “I didn’t know that you made that many deals.”

            “Only with those who prove worthy and brave enough. Now, do you want to hear my deal?”

            “Sure, why not?”

            “I will give you a second chance at your life. You will be just as you were before you died, except you will be the carefree, happy young she-wolf you were before you lost everything and everyone. And you will have your powers back. The only thing that you won’t have is the memories of everyone you knew before your death. You will have a clean slate at everything. How does that sound?”

            “I think it sounds great. But what if they find me? Will they remember me?”

            “They will, and if they find you, you’re memories will return. But you will be stronger and happier.” She tilts her head to the side and smiles at me. “In fact, I have the perfect wolf in mind for you as your mate.” I giggle at her.

            “Who is he?”

            “His name is Stephen Galloway.”

            “Will he accept me goddess?”

            “The second he lays eyes on you.” She tells me with a smile. I reach for her hand. “I accept your deal.” She shakes my hand and everything goes black. I wake up in the forest alone. Henri? Henri? Henri!

            What Angel?

            Oh thank the goddess. I thought you were dead.

            Why would you think that?

            I don’t know girl. I just had this weird feeling that we died. We both shudder softly and laugh. So, Angie any idea on where we are?

            Not the foggiest lass. I laugh at her bad imitation of a British accent. Well old girl, can you tell if we’re in pack territory?

            We’re not, or we’d be surrounded by wolves right now demanding to know what we want and why we’re on their land.

            Hey, what pack did we come from? I can’t remember.

            That’s strange, but neither can I. She becomes quiet as she thinks. I shift into my wolf form and start to run. Nothing around me looked familiar and I didn’t even remember who I came to be where I woke up. If it was one of the guys… I couldn’t finish that thought because no one came to mind. Shaking my head, I burst into a run.

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