6 : ses

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Their sinking continued, and it took Kira's nerves down with it, so she continued her useless rambling.

"I don't know about your species, but humans haven't evolved to breathe under quicksand. We still drink the milk of other animals and wear their carcass when it gets cold. Give me a break here, will you?"

Just as she was about to start crying, Vrox moved. She looked at his feet and found that the ground was hard again, like it hadn't tried to sink them to hell seconds ago.

When he returned her to the ground, she put multiple steps between his naked body and herself. The distance didn't do much. The rawness of his scent remained on her skin and the indentation of his cock against her thigh.

As usual, Vrox didn't notice the fluster that his presence induced on the female. He walked to the purse that she was so desperate to reach, plucked it between a thumb and index finger, and began to shake it.

"No!" she snatched the purse away from his big hand.

When his face crippled with a frown, worry dried her tempter. Those arms of his could hurt her just as easily as they saved her from flying predators and quicksand. Angering or insulting him was the least of her interests.

Once on her knees, she began to browse through her bag. Everything inside was still intact, but her phone refused to spit out a single bar of reception.

Vrox stared at her hand with obvious confusion, unable to recognize the device in her grasp.

She stored her cellphone away and shifted her attention to her translator. With loving fingers, she brushed the surface of the small device. It was her baby– the manifestation of her pride.

She powered it on and then whispered, "record the word gun as no."

The translator replied, "word saved," earning a smile from Kira and panic from Vrox. He gripped her shoulder, ready to separate her from the device. In response, she scrambled to her feet and clutched it.

"Gun!" she yelled.

Vrox frowned again, taking a second to scan the surroundings for predators. He then focused on the translator conflictedly. The device discomforted him. It was foreign, alien, unnatural.

"This will help us communicate," Kira explained while knowing fully well that he didn't understand a word.

With a deep inhale to settle her adrenaline, she pointed to herself.


She then pointed to him, "Vrox."

She picked up a stick and stared at him expectantly. His yellows flicked from her eyes to the stick repeatedly.

"Come on, Tarzan, you can do it," she encouraged.

"Nusu," he replied.

"Nu... su," she tried.

"Kira, Vrox, nusu?"

He gave her a strong nod, and she all but burst with excitement.

"Record the word nusu as stick." As soon as she issued the command, she muted the translator so its voice wouldn't freak Vrox out a second time.

They repeated the process for a few minutes. She pointed out a tree, a flower, their feet, hands, hair, and Vrox translated it all.

He frowned at the delivery of many of her words. She was sure that her accent was butchering his language, but she was trying.

She was about to point out another thing when a ruffle came from the far right. She sat up immediately, waiting for the next terrible creature to pop out and terrorize them.

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