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Vrox shrugged the comment off, reaching down for the basket of fruit that was sat by the fire and pulling out what Kira could only describe as an Ezronian potato. He held it out to her lips expectantly, the narrow on his brow daring her to argue.

She didn't disappoint.

"I'm already full. Why don't you eat it instead? I'm getting worried about your head aches."


"Really. I can–"

"You must eat more. You are carrying something precious."

"I said I'm full. You need to eat too."

They were aware that they had an oogling audience but didn't care to stop.

"Terran, please listen," Vrox pleaded. "It brings me joy to provide for you."

"Well, I can say the same. So why don't–"

He shoved the strange vegetable into her mouth before standing up and snatching her off her seat.

"I will see you all in the morn!" he threw to his brothers and Nebula.

Kira chewed through the mouthful, trying to stay mad at him. How could she, though? He was sweeter than a Hershey factory. He was built like one too with his steely, protective arms.

Inside their little cottage, he sat on the edge of the bed and thumbed a few crumbs off her chin. The war between Kira's eyebrows had relaxed, and she tamely stared at her lover with tenderness.

"I'm worried about your head discomfort," she admitted. "Will you let me look at your scalp?"

"Ni'ev already checked and found nothing amiss. I am fine. How can I not be, when I have been given the entire universe in the vessel that is you? My happiness is sky-high. I am one with the fates."

His fingers softly dipped into her waist, writing ten promises on her flesh.

His words, as beautiful as they were, weren't right.

It wasn't her that saved Ezron, but Vrox. He melted the ice around her heart, flooding life back to the cooling planet.

"I love you," she wheezed, drained by the truth of the words.

"And I love you," he mirrored.

His lips pressed against hers, alien with the fangs that poked out of them, but so very home. Prince Vrox Ezron was a mighty planet, roaring with the oceans that drowned her with emotions, lush with the jungles of morality that awed her, and solid with the earth that promised everlasting support. Those expressive eyes of his were her sky, able to tell truths more clearly than Earth and Ezron's night.

He hovered over her, one hand sweeping under her dress and not stopping their search until they rested over her stomach.

"You are my universe."

The sweetness of it all soured her eyes with tears. Ray after ray of liquid happiness shot across her temples and into her hair.

She was whole again.

When was the last time she felt like this? Perhaps when she was a fetus in her mother's womb, tightly curled into a ball and glued together by serenity.

She had Vrox, their child, and an awaiting adventure that would go down in history and be told for generations to come.

Vrox maneuvered her, so her back was pressed to his front. He threw an arm around her, keeping it right under her breasts.

"I am excited about showing you my hometown. There will be much to do. We will have to remake our camp, but it is not just architecture that needs rebuilding. We will have to plan when and how we will introduce you and Neyla to the world. It is a lot, but I am blessed to figure it out with you."

"Have you spoken with Ak about the Commander title? Does he want it?"

"I spoke to him the night he returned with Neyla. He does not have any interest in leading Ezronians. He is ashamed of how he dishonored our family by hurting her."

Kira had no pity to offer. Ak had a long path ahead before reaching her good side.

"I'm glad you're going to be leading. You're a good guy."

He pressed his lips to her temple.

"I could lead or follow anywhere, as long as you are with me. Get some sleep. Tomorrow, we start rebuilding."

She turned in his embrace and lost her nose in his neck. As she waited for sleep to take her from Vrox's arms, she thought of the past few weeks that she spent on the camp. She had shared many laughs with the men around the campfire, met Vee, learned about Ezronian culture, and procreated the first pearl of hope that Ezron had seen in fifteen years.

The first step outside the gates would be a heavy one, but the ones that followed would be accented with excitement.

When the morning came, she helped Vrox remove the weapons that decorated his wall and stored them away. Once they were done, she tossed a cloak over her figure and went outside to help the others.

To help carry their belongings, Ak captured two black-eyed, four-legged, creepily silent beasts that looked like a mix between horses and velociraptors.

She ate breakfast as she worked, much to Vrox's disapproval. The guy was convinced that she would get indigestion and hurt their seedling. With a roll of her eyes that made him growl, she went to Nebula's side and helped her transport baskets.

The men used ropes to secure chests, barrels, and sacks around the horsiraptors. Within two hours, the only things that remained on the camp were an exhausted campfire, the crop fields, and seven empty caves.

She pulled her cloak tighter around her and exchanged a smile with Nebula. The men strapped boulder-sized sacks to their backs and picked up their blades. The only things she and Nebula were allowed to carry were baskets. According to Vrox, she was already carrying an important package under her dress.

With her overly-protective alien by her side, her friends around her, Vee at her ankles, and her child in her womb, she crossed the gates of the camp.

One small step for a woman, one giant leap for Ezron.

End of Book 1

Book 2 is FREE AND COMPLETE on Lutionary (link in bio)

Book 2 is FREE AND COMPLETE on Lutionary (link in bio)

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