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She stared at the massive pile of items and foods that were stacked in chests, sacks, and baskets. In that pile was these men's home. A whole decade worth of hunting and gathering.

The only belongings she had to call her own was the baby blue purse that was lying on Vrox's bed, containing her cellphone, translation device, and cards.

She had so little but felt like the wealthiest among them. All because she had Vrox.

She checked to make sure that a stack of furs was perfect, before remaking the whole pile when she found something out of place.

She was so excited about moving to The Ruins– the men's birthplace, that she was a jittery, jumpy mess.

"Did you make sure that the containers of the blurak are tightly sealed?" she asked Vrox.

He frowned before replying. "Yes. Twice already."

"Well, it won't hurt to check one more time!" she grinned before skipping over to the barrels.

"Would it be inappropriate for me to ask if you have obsessive cleaning disorder?" Nebula chuckled.

"Nope!" Kira tossed over a shoulder. "I'm just so freaking excited! We're going to find out so much about Ezron's history."

She made sure the containers were sealed twice before grabbing a rag and wiping the pottery. Ni'ev told her not to worry about the task since the pots would likely shatter during transportation anyway, but she waved him off and began polishing until her hands were raw.

"What shall we do with the rest of the crops?" Kyros asked, pointing to the fields behind him.

"We will have to leave them. Ak went to capture some lentun to help with transport, but there is only so much that they can carry," Ni'ev answered.

"There are enough fruits and vegetables for the females to last until we reach The Ruins," Vrox assured.

She cringed, hating the idea of being baggage. She had been working up the courage to eat meat other than the one in Vrox's pants, but Ezron's animals looked unappetizing. On top of it all, there was no seasoning. The men ate bloody, thick slabs of meat without a hint of disgust.

Vrox raised a hand and scratched his hair. She noticed that he had been doing that a lot lately and began to wonder if was some effect of hair growth. His face was heavily stubbled, but she didn't quite mind. Her prince was handsome either way.

Nebula's bright laugher dragged Kira's attention away. The other girl was running around in a circle, and a purple ball of fur hopped after her. Since Ak had left, she lowered her guard and became more carefree. Kira was glad to see her flashing happiness. She deserved it.

"Did someone feed Vee crack? He's been out of control for days," Kira asked as she eyed the bunny run laps around Nebula.

"Vee. You're going to dislocate a paw– oh!"

Vee neglected Nebula's legs for hers.

"He must be excited thinking that there will soon be more females around."

"Maybe if you guys looked less intimidating, he would warm up to you."

Kyros laughed. "The only male that goes around scowling is Ak. Vee does not warm to us because we do not have be– reasts like you females do."

"Kyros," Vrox growled threateningly, ruffled by the idea that his brother was thinking about his woman's breasts.

"Mothers, Vrox. Your scowl is even uglier than Ak's."

Everyone laughed, and Vrox teasingly threw a dagger. When the weapon missed him by inches, Kyros yelped.

"Your accuracy is no joking matter, Vrox!"

Vrox shook his head and continued his work. Kira tried to focus on soaking blankets in a protective liquid, but Vee made the task impossible with his unlimited energy. He hopped from her to Nebula, even daring to dive under her dress.

"Vee, get out of my female's skirt, or you'll be the one dodging my daggers."

Kira rolled her eyes and fell to her knees. "Buddy," she sighed. "What do you want?"

A loud thud demanded everyone's attention. Ni'ev was on all fours, chin dirty, eyes wide.

He stood up and ran to her side, grabbing her hips and lifting her before Vrox could get in the way. He was a laughing mess, while Kira held onto his shoulders for dear life.

"Place her down this instant!"

Ni'ev did as ordered, putting many feet between himself and Kira but not parting with his smile. Before Vrox could throw the nearest weapon, he began speaking.

"I cannot believe I did not see this earlier. Vee's species has an exceptional sense of smell. They can tell when a mother is carrying. Congratulations, Kira!"

Everyone's jaw fell for the ground.

"But–but–but he's been all over Nebula too!"

"He likely could not tell where the scent was coming from and that is what has been driving him mindless."

It made sense now– her absurd burst of jealousy, her newfound OCD tendencies, and the fact that Vee wouldn't leave her alone. They were her personalized pregnancy symptoms.

Ni'ev's explanation was followed by shouts of joy. The men that had been abandoned by evolution shouted their gratitude to the heavens, celebrating the gift of life. Finally, their fifteen-year plague had been cured.

The roaring happiness made her cover her ears. She felt Vrox's arms come around her, and she locked eyes with Nebula, whose face was on the verge of tearing.

The fiasco went from amusing to downright emotional when the titanic men fell to their knees and bowed their heads to her.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked. "Get up!"

She blinked to clear her blurry vision.

"Damn it."

She looked at Nebula for help when the men didn't reply.

"I think it's a sign of respect or a way to ask for forgiveness," Nebula shared. "Ak would sit in that position every day for about an hour."

"Guys!" Kira pleaded, tugging Vrox's arm in an attempt to get him to stand. Of course, the heavy sack of meat and power remained kneeling

She tried to fall to her knees beside him to make herself smaller, but Vrox latched onto her hips and kept her standing.

Utterly embarrassed, she covered her face with both hands.

– • –

That night, her face hurt from all the stretching it had endured. Try as she might, she couldn't curtain her teeth. As she sat around the fire with Nebula on one side, Vrox on the other, and her seedling within her, joy oozed out of her pores.

Ak was the only person who wasn't bouncing around. He sat beside Ni'ev, staring intently at Nebula. It seemed like the other woman had begun to get used to his leering attention because she didn't let him ruin her night.

"Do you have ants in your hair?" Rokan asked Vrox, who chuckled.

"No," Vrox answered, still scratching his head. "My skull has just been... tingling strangely."

"Your head is likely about to explode from happiness," Rokan diagnosed with a smile.

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