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"... how many kneeling is not a safe position. Why are you determined to rot my mind? Why do you not listen? I wi..."

Vrox's rumbling lecture lulled her to sleep. It wouldn't have surprised her if she woke up and found him still blabbering.

That night, she slept like the dead. It seemed like Vrox's sperm was an erotic sedative.

"Hello," he greeted when he felt her stir.

"Hey," she replied, shifting off him. "Is it uncomfortable for you to sleep with me on top?"

He opened his eyes, and an amused smirk accompanied his yellows.

"Why do you ask this?"

"Aren't I heavy?"

Vrox boomed with laugher. "Are you jesting? You must eat more, not less. Sometimes I fear that a snowflake will knock you back to your home planet."

"Alright, alright," she mumbled before rolling off him.

Vrox nailed her down by the shoulders. "Where are you going? I have not wished good day to my seedling yet."

She stuck her tongue out. "Your seedling, if it exists, is angry at you for insulting its mother."

Pure panic splashed his face, exhausting all warmth of happiness. "It was not my intention to insult you," he rushed. "I meant to say that it is no burden to hold you."

She pecked his cheek. "You're so gullible."

"You are not angry?"

"Of course not."

She swung her feet off the bed, ready to go to the water basin and gargle some Ezronian toothpaste.

"Do you need me to carry you?" Vrox asked.

"We're about to find out."

She stood up with Vrox behind her, who was ready to snatch her. To her relief, she didn't ache too badly. As much as she enjoyed hanging off Vrox, she missed mobility.

She washed the sleep off her face as Vrox rummaged through the chests in search of a dress. He wrapped it around her, tying it at the shoulder, breast side, hip, and knees. She didn't complain, and he looked beyond pleased by her compliance.

"Holy sheet!"

Kira looked up, recognizing Kyros' voice. Since when did the alien start using human curses?

"Looks like I'm rubbing off on Kyros," she muttered.


She laughed. "Not literally!"

"Vrox, stop coddling your female, and come see who is back!"

Kira took a step toward the exit, only to be blocked by an overly-protective, paranoid Vrox.

"Mothers!" Draekon greeted.

A heart-shrinking smile stretched across Vrox's face, so contagious that she couldn't help but adopt one herself. She followed him outside, spotting Draekon speaking with the others.

"Mothers!" Vrox tossed to his younger brother.

The two men grasped forearms, and Draekon offered Kira a soft smile. He was wise enough to keep his arms to himself. It wouldn't have surprised her if one of the guys warned him to stay away to avoid Vrox's wrath.

"You were gone for so long," Vrox shook his head. "We were starting to worry."

Draekon shrugged. "Ak has gotten better at hiding his trail. I got close to him a few times, but he always slipped away."

The First She ✓Where stories live. Discover now