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"Time for your medicine," he announced.

He crouched by his herbs and began to unwrap them, crushing the leaves with his palm to ooze out the healing properties.

He could sense Kira's glare. The youth's contempt irked him. Vrox didn't have much experience looking after others, yet he was doing his best to care for a pup that wasn't his. Instead of completing his mission, he was plowing through the wilderness to protect, feed, and heal the ungrateful brat.

May the mothers have mercy on me.

He wasn't blind– he could see that the boy was terrified of his surroundings. It didn't help that he was confused by the sound of the whai. Still, Vrox deserved some deal of trust by now. Snapping Kira's flimsy neck would take him a flick of his wrist. He was more deadly than the child could imagine but was going out of his way to avoid intimidating him.

He rose, his hands holding a scoop of the medicinal paste.

"Spread your thighs. I need to put this on your wound."

He gestured to her legs, which she was strangling with a protective embrace. In response to his suggestion, she furrowed deeper into the corner. She knew what he had in mind, and was not on board with the idea. While she knew that the confused alien thought she was injured, there was no way on Earth or whatever retched planet they were in that she was going to let him practically finger her.

She wasn't available to date human men, much less seven-foot aliens.

"You need to heal," Vrox grunted out as he began to reach.

She swatted his hand away, rejecting his medicine. The look he retaliated with was so deadly that she was reminded of just how many abs he had on his chest and the circumference of his biceps.

He's going to strangle me.

Vrox dove for her, easily entrapping her entire ankle with a single hand. She yelped when he pulled her toward his naked, sinewy, and pissed off self.

"Wait! Wait!" she quivered, raising a defensive hand. "Just give it to me, and I'll apply it myself," she tried to reason.

Vrox looked at her outstretched hand, understanding her question. He smeared the paste on her palm and then sat on the ground. He watched like a disapproving parent, ready to snatch her back to his lap if she disobeyed.

"I guess dignity isn't a thing in this forsaken shit hole," she grumbled as she turned around and began to lift her skirt.

A hand fell on her shoulder, seeping dread into her body.

She turned her head to face him. "You don't want to watch me rub it on, do you?" she all but shrieked.

With a grunt, he turned her around and then gripped her wrist. He led it between her legs and began to guide it up and down her core, making sure that every inch of her vagina was coated with the paste.

"God, I hope this shit doesn't give me cervical cancer," she whispered as she let him guide her.

She'd rather have her hand over her clit instead of his own. It wasn't like her palm and pussy were strangers. Their teamwork was proof that she didn't need any man in her life– even for pleasure.

"Okay. Okay. You can let go of me now," she urged.

Vrox released her wrist and then moved his eyes north. He frowned at what he found, not understanding the coloration that was featured on her face. His hand reached for her cheeks, but she didn't move away.

Vrox knew how to survive in the wilderness with only his limbs, but was floored by something as simple as her blush. There was something powerful about the way she could enthrall him. He had seen thousands of flowers native to his planet, but not a woman's. He couldn't recognize the pink petals between her thighs; didn't know that the white that his cock produced was supposed to water them.

Intimacy was alien to him, just like he was to her.

Vrox frowned when he rubbed at the boy's cheeks and the pink color remained. If it wasn't a stain, was it a sign of infection? Although rare, he saw his brother's skin turn an angry red whenever a wound festered. Their bodies were great at healing, though, so the color didn't linger for long.

Water streamed out of Kira's eyes, and his cheeks turned pink. Just how broken was this boy?

He dropped his hand from his face and then gave a gentle, quick swipe across the balls on his chest to smear medicine on them. He found it strange how soft those injuries were. He was beginning to believe that they were a birth deformation and unable to heal.

"We must go. I need to gather supplies for my brothers and hunt our food."

When he began to collect his plants, Kira understood that he planned on leaving. She stood up, fixed her skirt, and awkwardly walked to her purse, which she had hidden behind a tall rock.

She found Vrox squinting at the distance, observing the weather and searching for threats. She hated not being able to support herself; hated having to depend on a monster who neglected to save that poor child they heard crying in the night.

She was convinced that Vrox was a savage, in need of ethical guidance by a superior culture like her own. He could hunt and prepare medicine, but that's where the brute's abilities ended. To her, he and his people were the shadow of humans.

As Vrox began leading the way out of the cave, he sought food. He had noticed the dryness on Kira's lips. Although Vrox could carry on for two or three days without water, he knew that the boy's underdeveloped body couldn't handle the thirst.

He walked to a small pond that he knew was clean of vermin. After grabbing a large leaf, he folded it, scooped water into it, and offered it to her.

Kira didn't need to ask questions to know that this was drinkable water. It looked clear and didn't smell funky. With a lick of her lips, she pulled the leaf to her mouth.


She dropped the leaf instantly, knowing that whenever Vrox yelled that word, shit went down.

He stared at her, horrified.

"Where are your manners?" Vrox chastised. "You cannot–"

He wished he could explain to the boy just how disrespectful it was to drink while facing another man. The cultural norm dictated that you could only maintain eye contact with a significant other while drinking.

Kira must be more foreign than what he thought.

He plucked another leaf, scooped water, handed it to him, and then turned around.

Kira looked from her leaf to Vrox's tanned back.

What the fuck?

She lifted the leaf to her mouth slowly, waiting for him to scream at her again. When he didn't attempt to give her another heart attack, she drank the refreshing water.

It tasted like home.

a/n: Wow, so Kira is kind of a bitch for degrading Vrox like that. Don't you guys love it when the female lead actually has flaws and isn't some Disney princess? 😂

 Don't you guys love it when the female lead actually has flaws and isn't some Disney princess? 😂

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