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A beast could have barreled its way toward Vrox, and he wouldn't have noticed. His senses were immobilized by the fruit of truth.

"That's no boy!"

Kira was an adult, a female, a mother?

No. There had to be some mistake. Ak's loneliness must be gnawing on his sanity. There were no females left on the planet. The Vanishing had robbed them, leaving only chaos and their barren race behind.

Kira is a boy, a child, the last of our kind. No ears will hear the cry of a newborn ever again. Extinction will come for us all, and the only mercy life will allow us is leaving our bones as proof that we existed.

He glanced down at his hands as he considered the news that was bringing him so much distress. He clenched his fists, trying to crush the hope that Ak had created. His veins became more prominent, his knuckles cracked, and his tanned skin paled.

The memory of Kira's smaller palms touching his chest flashed, blinding his determination. He relaxed his hands, losing the fight against hope.

He couldn't suffocate the truth. It was living and breathing, too lively to be subdued by death. The truth was written all over Kira. Her body was too plump, rounded, and small. Her form wasn't destined to cloud with muscles, to grow taller and reach for the sun, to roughen with scales.

She was a mother, a mystical being that for so long only existed in the memories and tales of men.

It all made sense now. All this time, he couldn't picture Kira as a man because she wasn't meant to become one.

Vrox rose to his feet, his eyes unable to part with the child's– no, the female's. She was looking in the direction of the trees that Ak had disappeared into, a small hand gripping her calve.

He scanned her body as if he had never seen it before. Her thighs were still smooth and fleshy, making his mouth dry. Her thighs met in the apex, leading to a cave that Vrox had been convinced was an injury.

He knew now that there was nothing wrong with Kira. The slit between her legs was supposed to be there; its purpose now obvious. He had seen enough animals mounting each other to understand the nature of mating.

Kira's slit wasn't a mutation or curse. It was meant to embrace him the same way her small arms often hugged his torso.

His eyes kept moving north, stopping at the balls on her chest. They remained a mystery. He had never seen an animal with that feature, so he had no idea what their purpose was. The globes were soft, but this wasn't much of a hint considering that all of Kira's body was soft.

An odd ache pulsed in his nether regions, making him look down at his cock. The organ was becoming thicker by the second, curving upwards to his stomach.

This reaction was rare for him. It sometimes happened when he rose from sleep. Vrox had been sure all of his life that he would never get to use the feature. Kira could very well change that.

He ignored the ache, knowing that he had bigger problems to worry about.

When his shadow blocked the light of the sun, Kira looked up at him. She noticed his cock first, and then the rest of him. Fear of torturous proportions crossed her face, making Vrox's chest prune.

She knew that his body was ready for mating, and it scared her.

Slowly, Vroxed lowered himself, angling his thighs so that his crotch was covered. He didn't want Kira's fear. His head and body had two completely different agendas. He would rather drown himself in quicksand than rain force on her. The mere thought of mating her by force made his stomach churn.

"Kira..." he drew out slowly, keeping his hands to himself.

Her big dirt-colored eyes cautiously remained on his own, before flickering to the forest.

"Nebula..." she drew out in that airy voice of hers. Nothing about her was masculine.

Vrox nodded, recognizing the name of the other female.

"It will be hard to track Ak by now."

Kira looked at the trees longingly, gripping her injured leg tighter. "Vrox... Nebula."

She pointed to the left, trying to signal that she wanted to go in that direction.

"I cannot track him down if I have you with me. We will have to find my brothers. I will send Draekon after him."

Kira perked, recognizing Draekon's name.


He nodded. "Draekon." He pointed to the trees. "Nebula, Ak. He will find them."

Kira nodded, understanding.

"Ak will not hurt her. He is reckless and impulsive, but he knows that there is nothing honorable about hurting a sentient being that is weaker than you."

Kira dropped her gaze to her legs, sniffling. Vrox had been with her for long enough to know that her eyes were about to start spilling water.

Slowly, he extended a hand out for her. Her big, foreign eyes peeked up at him, intimidated.

While they didn't understand much of their language, it was abundantly clear that they were neither the same species or gender. Their relationship would never be the same again– it couldn't. Their parent-child link had snapped. While Vrox's urge to protect Kira was still there, it was now accompanied by other urges.

His body and mind now knew that she was no little boy, but an adult that could feed his hunger.

Kira's unscarred, thin, feminine arms expanded, swatting his heart up to the skies. Full of joy, he leaned closer– careful to keep his thigh between them, and accepted her embrace.

 Full of joy, he leaned closer– careful to keep his thigh between them, and accepted her embrace

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