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This is a LONG chapter! Over 2,300 words!

"Get changed," she said while making no move to leave his arms.

"You have seen me bare in many occasions, yet you still act like a coplo."

"A coplo?"

"It is a bird native of Drukai that digs holes and buries its head inside."

She gasped with indignation. "That's rude."

"You make me act like an animal too."

She turned slightly, trying to meet his eyes.

"Really? Which one?"

"A mother spinx. They are the most protective beings. They would kill for their young, as I would for you."

She heard him inhale, pulling her scent in as if having her against his bare chest wasn't enough. While his lungs filled with her, hers emptied. How could a man who only spent five years of his life around women be so romantic?

"Come," he said, pulling her further into his naked body. "Let me dry you."

She stood still as she heard him rummage through cloth. The blush of coldness on her skin was tamed when he draped a thick blanket over her.

As Vrox resumed looking for his own change of clothes, Kira shifted the blanket around. The material surprised her. It felt softer than usual– a mix of silk and fur. She dropped her wet clothes, grabbed both ends and tied them on her left shoulder, making another knot at her hip.

She turned to find Vrox clothed and closing a chest that she hadn't noticed before.

When they made eye contact, he clutched his head with a wince of pain.

"What is it?" she demanded, rushing to him and anxiously clutching his forearm.

"Nothing. I am alright."

The lie oozed out of his gritted teeth, but the angry tendons in his arms said otherwise.

Panic sent her to the entrance. "Help!"

Ni'ev stomped his way inside. "What is it?"

"Terran," Vrox hissed from the bed. "I told you that I am fine."

Ni'ev walked to his hunched brother, and Kira's felt her knees sway as they considered sending her to the ground so she could plead Ni'ev.

"Vrox," Ni'ev called out. "What do you need?"

"I am not a child. There is no need to dote on me. I just looked at her and..." Vrox grunted and pulled at his short hair.

Ni'ev gave Kira a look, taking in her new make-shift dress. It was a pure white fur, covered in specks of what she suspected was gold. The material fit her loosely and reached her ankles.

"Mother used to style her dresses the same way," Ni'ev declared. "Kira must have triggered your memory."

Vrox nodded. "I thought as much."

Kira looked from one man to another. "Should I get the leaves? I can make you paste. I know how to do it," she blurted. "Should I take this off?"

She fisted the cloth covering her stomach, hating the beautiful texture for bringing Vrox pain.

"Since I am not needed, I will leave now."

Ni'ev made his exit, and Kira continued fretting over Vrox. She reached her hands up and stood on her tippy toes, trying to massage his temples.

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