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The water slid down her throat, blessing her insides with temporary bliss. Even with her hair braided and multiple buttons of her top undone, she felt like she was in Satan's embrace.

Vrox wasn't sweating like she was. His back was smooth, only disrupted by the occasional scar. She wondered if it had to do something with the fact that he was as naked as the day he slid out of his mother. That is if he even came from a woman. He seemed so ignorant of the female gender that she was beginning to wonder if females existed. Did he just sprout from the dirt like a common vegetable? She wouldn't be surprised at this point.

Vrox turned to face the troublesome boy, locking his eyes on the droplets of water that were still fresh on his lips. They were oddly plum, like pink clouds. When he thought about it, much of the kid's body was plum. His buttocks and the deformations on his chest were padded– stuffed with fat.

Vrox tried to remember his body at ten years of age but couldn't recall owning so much softness. For as long as he could remember, his body knew hardness.

Dismissing his thoughts, he plucked a leaf, scooped water, and drank from it.

Kira noticed that he turned around before drinking.

Is it inappropriate to drink while facing someone?

She took note of the norm. She wanted to fit in as much as possible– or at least as much as her tits allowed.

Vrox gave the sky a casual scan before resuming the walk, and she'd be damned before she stayed behind. After adjusting her purse, she followed him.

They were climbing down to the thicker part of the jungle. She would have preferred if they walked along the rocky caves, but Vrox was the boss of their expedition.

Even when the thick trees replaced the sky, the heat didn't relent. The short bursts of shade merely teased her by giving blinks of peace.

Her throat was as dry as Vrox's skin. Dehydration had begun its lurking, ready to drag her into a pool of refreshing unconsciousness. If there was one thing this planet was good at, it was highlighting how out of shape she was.

A shriek left her when a sharp object penetrated her bloated foot. The shock and pain bullied her down to the floor. She clutched her ankle, horrified by the planet's cruelty.

Vrox fell beside her, leaning down to inspect the damage.

"Mothers," he snarled once he saw blood trickle out of her small foot and mix with the mud. Kira's feet were as soft as the rest of her. They didn't have protective hard skin like his did.

"Why are you so weak?" he sighed as he reached for the thick piece of wood that was lodged inside.

Kira clenched her hands, prohibiting them from reaching out. She knew that this had to happen, no matter how much her anxiety refused it.

She closed her eyes and waited for Vrox to do the deed. He didn't fail to deliver, plucking the wood out in a single pull. Pain tore through her nerves, setting her ache on fire. Her mouth opened but was unable to find a scream loud enough to voice the distress she was in.

Her nails dug into the dirt, trying to bring pain to her fingers to distract her body from the agony in her foot.

Vrox dropped the three-inch splinter to the ground it belonged in, then continued inspecting her heel.

Fuck this planet. It deserves all the nuclear radiation, oil spills, and pollution on Earth!

"Kira," Vrox called out.

"If only you would have saved the poor kid you heard crying last night just like you did me," she snarled.

Vrox didn't need language to understand the fury in the boy's voice and gaze. He was glaring as if Vrox had been the one to stab his foot. The liquid he still couldn't identify loaded his eyes, threatening to spill.

He probably still thinks that the sound of the whai he heard last night was a child and that I abandoned it.

He tsked with irritation and reached for her. Since she knew that she couldn't walk on her own, she bitterly allowed his embrace.

With his hands at her waist, he pulled her up and set her on his hip. He made sure to set her on the side of his body that wasn't scaled to protect her skin from its roughness. One of his hands was set under her ass to support her, but she ignored the massive fingers that were digging into the intimate area.

It was after he began walking that she registered that his dick was casually tapping against her calve. Vrox didn't adjust her, apparently not bothered by the contact.

Subtly, she looked down at his crotch. No hair surrounded his ridiculously large throne– something she found strange. Humans tended to have hair on their pelvis to protect the sensitive area, but Vrox's dick seemed to want no interruptions from her view.

It wanted to be noticed, to stake a claim on her irises.

To be respected.

Questions swarmed in her head.

If it looked that big while it was flaccid, what the fuck does it look like when it's erect?

How did he and Draekon come to be? Surely, they were enormous even as babies. It would take a powerful woman to birth them.

Well, considering that these guys don't know what tits or vaginas are, I don't think their mothers look very different from their fathers.

She sighed tiredly before closing her eyes. The pain in her foot continued to chew on her flesh. She tried to escape through sleep. While she was able to fall in and out of the dark zone, the pain was obsessed with her. It wanted every single inch of her attention.

She was sure that she was hallucinating when she heard the cry of a child. When the sound terrorized her ears a second time, she lifted her head from Vrox's shoulder.

Vrox began walking in the direction of the crying, but his footsteps fell more lightly. She didn't pay his stealth much mind, feeling too excited to save the child.

Would it be human or alien?

After crossing tall grass, Vrox placed her down on the ground and pushed open a bush so that she could peek out.

A creature that stood on the other side of the clearing. It wasn't a child in distress, but a purple, ugly, toothy, hairy abomination.

Tears of guilt and frustration flowed down Kira's face, leaking more painfully than the blood on her foot.

Vrox didn't comment. He simply picked her up, propped her on his hip, and continued the journey.

 He simply picked her up, propped her on his hip, and continued the journey

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