Falling Apart

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I want to write a big paragraph so be prepared for lots of reading and it is 1:00am so also be prepared for mistakes. And there will be swear words in this chapter as we take an adventure through Scotland!

"Well, boys, as you may have noticed I haven't been like my usual self lately," Britain started "There is a reason for this and I'm about to tell you why but I need to explain a bit first," Britain paused to think about what to say. It's a confusing situation as it doesn't happen often and certainly wouldn't be expected from UK, but here we are. "As you all know I am a united country this means that I am made up of smaller countries that I refer to as Kingdoms but America would refer to as States,"
America looked up at Britain he seemed to understand where this was going. America had had problems with his states also but they weren't as bad as Britain's problems and he had 50 states so it wouldn't be a huge split like Britain who only has four Kingdoms. Who we wouldn't see re-uniting any time soon.
"I have been having...problems with my Kingdoms they have been fighting non-stop and are becoming reckless and more independent," Britain paused to let everyone think for a bit. France had foggy eyes, she didn't want to lose her husband. America knew what Britain was getting at but his glasses covered if he was sad or any other type of emotion, it was one of the reasons why he wore the tinted sunglasses.
"This, I fear, is leading to a split and all my Kingdoms getting independence which will mean I won't exist. I'm sure you have seen or heard of this before as it happened with Soviet Union and other countries as well." Everyone was staring at Britain with tears slowly forming in their eyes. You still couldn't tell with America but he moved his glasses up a bit while he rubbed his eyes suggesting he was crying.

"It won't happen will it father?" New Zealand said rubbing his tears away as well.
Britain's voice cracked a bit as he spoke since he was starting to cry too.
"I'm afraid New Zealand I cannot control my countries and their decisions. Like how I took that bottle of whisky from the fridge that was because my Kingdom, Scotland, really likes and really wanted some whisky." Britain laughed a bit at this before continuing "And since I can't control their decisions I can't control if they split or not. All I know is that it's very painful and quite a horrible experience for the country itself and anyone watching." New Zealand made a sad squeak before crying heavily at the realisation that he was possibly going to lose his dad. He was young and still going to school after all.

"Hey, mate, don't cry." Australia said moving in closer to hug and comfort his brother. Canada had to do the same thing for France and America just looked at Britain.
"How long have you got left?" He said. Britain turned to America.
"I'm not quite sure, but it's definitely close it could happen any moment, really." Britain said honestly. His stomach knotted and he started feeling sick again.

"Great job England you've made everyone cry." Surprisingly it wasn't Scotland who said that but in fact someone with a Irish accent. Northern Ireland.
"Oh! Don't you get started on me now! I was just being honest! Does everybody hate me or something?!"
"I-I don't England" Wales said gently
"Yeah that's because your young and innocent Wales you like pretty much everybody." Scotland laughed.
"That's not true!" Wales said stomping his foot "I don't like you when you shout or swear or drink or play pranks on me! Actually I don't like anyone when they shout or swear or drink or pl-"
"'Play pranks on you' yeah, yeah we get it Wales." Northern Ireland said.
"Or when people finish off my sentences" Wales mutters to himself angrily. This just makes Scotland laugh. He's crazy, Scotland laughing at everything. I mean who wouldn't think he's crazy, wearing skirts, taking drugs, drinking whisky all day and believing in crazy stuff like kelpies or the Loch Ness Monster which he calls Nessie his national animal is a unicorn for goodness sake! I wonder why he's even my kingdom sometimes but then he's an amazing fighter and strategist he learned quite a lot from his dad, The Lion Rampant.

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